“TFI is a warm and wonderful team. You guys always help me out with any problems and really took care of us. I had the best time with you guys”.


Name : Pingyangzie Liu (Tracie)
DOB : 08 / 04 / 1991
Citizen : Chinese / Australian
Edu : Master Degree
Major : Management

What is your reason to join with TFI?
I want to be an English teacher in the future. So, education is my main goal to come to join with TFI

What is your opinion about TFI?
TFI is a warm and wonderful team. You guys always help me out with any problems and really took care of us. I had the best time with you guys.

What activities have you done in TFI?
Teaching in Junior high school, after school program went to Bandung, had dinner together.

Can you give some testimonial about TFI?
I hope for me the teaching hours can be add more and school teaching is better than after school program.