Yayasan Waroeng Imaji dan BINUS University Luncurkan Film Animasi “Anak Rusun Mendongeng”
Yayasan Waroeng Imaji dan bekerja sama dengan BINUS University meluncurkan FIlm Animasi bertajuk “Anak Rusun Mendongeng”. Program ini melibatkan narasi dongeng dari Yayasan Waroeng Imaji dan hasil animasi dari mahasiswa Program Studi Desain Komunikasi Visual, BINUS University.
Dijelaskan Veronica Tan, Inisiator Operet Aku Anak Rusun dan Founder Yayasan Waroeng Imaji, Waroeng Imaji senantiasa berkomitmen untuk mengembangkan karakter anak Indonesia melalui berbagai kegiatan edukatif serta memberikan kesempatan pada anak-anak untuk berkreasi di bidang seni.
“Pada kesempatan ini, kami berterima kasih pada BINUS Univeristy yang menyambut baik program Animasi Anak Rusun Mendongeng dan membantu Yaysan Waroeng Imaji dalam mengembangkan animasi dongeng. Kerja sama ini sejalan dengan visi kami untuk terus mengeksplorasi dan mengajak serta talenta-talenta muda Indonesia dalam berkarya di bidang kreatif,” paparnya.
The Waroeng Imaji Foundation and in collaboration with BINUS University launched an animated film entitled “Mendongeng Flat Children”. This program involves a fairy tale narrative from the Waroeng Imaji Foundation and animation results from students of the Visual Communication Design Study Program, BINUS University.
As explained by Veronica Tan, Initiator of the Operet Aku Anak Flats and Founder of the Waroeng Imaji Foundation, Waroeng Imaji is always committed to developing the character of Indonesian children through various educational activities and providing opportunities for children to be creative in the arts.
“We would like to take this opportunity to thank BINUS Univeristy for welcoming the Children’s Storytelling Flats Animation program and assisting Yaysan Waroeng Imaji in developing fairy tale animation. This collaboration is in line with our vision to continue to explore and invite young Indonesian talents to work in the creative field,” he explained.
Prof. said. Dr. Ir. Harjanto Prabowo., M.M – The Chancellor of BINUS University, BINUS University is very enthusiastic about welcoming the collaboration of the Waroeng Imaji Foundation in developing the education of children and families through art and creative outlets.
“BINUS has a vision of ‘Fostering and empowering’ that emphasizes the importance of education, including cultivating children’s creativity from a young age to developing their talents at the university level. We hope that the results of this collaboration can be accepted and enjoyed as well as the beginning of other collaborations that are beneficial for all Indonesian people,” he hoped.
The collaborative program between the Waroeng Imaji Foundation and BINUS University is part of the Animation – Visual Communication Design Program. This activity provides opportunities for students to complete coursework and also contributes directly to producing animated fairy tales for the community.
Dermawan Syamsuddin, Head of DKV Animation Program at BINUS University, explained, “The process of working on this animated fairy tale takes about six months, which includes the character research process, story deepening and visualization of the depiction. We involved 33 BINUSIAN 2023 and 2024 BINUSIAN students who were divided into six groups. Each group works on a fairy tale. The total works produced are 6 episodes with the following titles:
1. Little Hero Episode
2. School Vacation Episodes
3. Happy or Sad Episodes
4. Katsuba Christmas Episode Part 1
5. Katsuba Christmas Episode Part 2
6. Fruit Harvest Party Episode
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