Halo, BINUSIAN! Gimana kabarnya selama beberapa bulan learning from home? Buat nemenin BINUSIAN bersiap untuk berbuka puasa kali ini ada yang spesial loh!
Teach for Indonesia presents TFI Fest: NGABUBURIT ONLINE!
TFI Fest akan berlangsung pada 27 April 2020 – 20 Mei 2020. Acara ini hadir sebagai bentuk penggalangan dana melalui berbagai acara seperti:
• UMKM Corner
• Seminar, Pelatihan dan Talkshow
• Cooking Demo
• Dongeng Online
• Bedah Buku / Film
• Kuis Tebak Gambar Berhadiah
Yuk ikutan Ngabuburit Online bersama TFI dipenuhi dengan kegiatan yang menarik juga bisa sambil beramal. Stay tuned!
Hello, BINUSIAN! How are you doing for a few months of learning from home? For accompanying BINUSIAN to prepare to break fasting this time, there is something special!
Teach for Indonesia presents TFI Fest: NGABUBURIT ONLINE!
TFI Fest will take place on 27 April 2020 – 20 May 2020. This event is present as a form of fundraising through various events such as:
• UMKM Corner
• Seminars, Training and Talkshows
• Cooking Demo
• Online fairy tales
• Book / Film Review
• Quiz Guess the Picture with Prizes
Come on, join Ngabuburit Online with TFI, filled with interesting activities while also doing charity. Stay tuned!
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