Social Fair Day
Suasana selama Social Fair Day oleh Teach for Indonesia (@teachforindonesia) (13/09/20109) di BINUS JWC Campus, Senayan / @binusinter
Dengan isu lingkungan sebagai tema, TFI bekerja sama dengan beberapa LSM dan perusahaan sosial memberikan pengetahuan dan pemahaman tentang isu-isu saat ini kepada siswa – siswi semester pertama sehingga mereka dapat lebih sadar lingkungan dan menciptakan dampak positif bagi masyarakat.
The atmosphere during the Social Fair Day by Teach for Indonesia (@teachforindonesia) (13/09/20109) at BINUS JWC Campus, Senayan/ @binusinter
With the environmental issues as the theme, we collaborated with several NGO’s and social enterprises to provide the first-year students with knowledge and understanding about current issues so that they can be more environmentally conscious and create a positive impact to the society.
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