Partner Gathering
Partner gathering merupakan acara tahunan yang di adakan sebagai ungkapan rasa terimakasih dan penghargaan TFI kepada setiap mitra organisasi yang telah mendukung TFI dalam upayanya meningkatkan kualitas hidup masyarakat Indonesia. Teach For Indonesia sebagai unit yang bertanggung jawab atas pengelolaan kegiatan sosial Bina Nusantara sekaligus berfungsi sebagai pusat pengembangan komunitas secara berkesinambungan. Namun TFI tidak akan berjalan baik tanpa adanya dukungan dari para relawan dan mitra yang telah bekerja sama.
18 Oktober 2019, dalam acara partner gathering yang di hadiri oleh berbagai organisasi non-profit, Pemerintahan, Swasta, kali ini di adakan sesi sharing sessing dengan tema “How to Prospect donors” yang di bawakan oleh Ibu Dr Meilani Dharmayanti M.Si selaku dosen FM BINUS University, founder komunitas literasi jejak kaki, anggota komunitas hidden heritage, photography and story teller dan Ibu Dr Ulani Yunus selaku Research Interest Group Leader, Cross Cultural Communication, yang akan menjadi narasumber kita hari ini dalam sharing session dengan topik “How to prospect Donors”.
A Partner Gathering is an annual event which is held as an expression of gratitude and appreciation from TFI to every organization partner that has supported TFI in its efforts to improve the quality of life of Indonesian people. Teach for Indonesia is a unit responsible for managing Bina Nusantara’s social activities as well as functions as a center for community development on an ongoing basis. But TFI will not work well without the support of volunteers and partners who have worked together.
In the Partner Gathering event which is attended by various non-profit organizations, government institutions, and private companies, this time there is a sharing session with the theme “How to Prospect Donors” presented by Mrs. Dr. Meilani Dharmayanti M.Si as a lecturer of FM BINUS University, founder of the Footprint Literacy community, a member of the Hidden Heritage community, a photographer, and a storyteller, and Mrs. Dr. Ulani Yunus as the Research Interest Group Leader, and Cross Cultural Communication, who will be our resource person today in a sharing session on the topic “How to Prospect Donors”.
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