Community Development Track (Enrichment Program 3 + 1)
Kuliah Kerja Nyata (KKN) di laksanakan pada tanggal 11 – 23 November 2019 oleh mahasiswa yang memilih Community Development track (Enrichment Program) untuk memberikan pengalaman langsung dan nyata bagaimana mahasiswa menerapkan keilmuan yang di ampuh kepada masyarakat.
Saat ini tengah berlangsung KKN di Desa Rengasdengklok Selatan yang diikuti oleh mahasiswa dari Jurusan Sastra Inggris, Game Application Technology dan Mobile Application Technology dengan kegiatan memberikan bimbingan belajar Bahasa inggris melalui metode pengajaran langsung dan visualisasi dalam permainan berbasis mobile. Kami berharap lewat pelatihan yang di berikan dapat mempersiapkan masyarakat menjadi desa yang siap untuk di kunjungi para wisatawan.
Community Development Track (Enrichment Program 3 + 1)
A Student Study Service (KKN) is carried out by students who choose the Community Development track (Enrichment Program) to provide direct and real experiences of how students apply effective knowledge to the community.
KKN is currently underway in South Rengasdengklok Village which is participated by students from the Department of English Literature, Game Application Technology, and Mobile Application Technology with activities to provide English language tutoring through direct teaching methods and visualization in mobile-based games. We hope that the training provided will prepare the community to become a village that is ready for tourists to visit.
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