Kamis, 23 Mei 2019. Kampus BINUS University yang berada di jalan Anggrek atau yang lebih dikenal dengan sebutan BINUS Anggrek, suasana kampus terasa sepi tanpa ada kegiatan mahasiswa yang  disebabkan oleh minggu GSLC. Namun suasana tersebut berubah setelah terlihat ratusan warga mendatangi kampus BINUS Anggrek pada sore hari. Beragam usia dari muda, tua, anak kecil hingga dewasa memadati foodcourt kampus BINUS University.

Kedatangan warga yang tiba-tiba ini bukan untuk mengadakan kegiatan protes, demo, ataupun unjuk rasa. Namun warga berbondong-bondong menghadiri kegiatan BUKBER yang diadakan oleh BINUS University melalui Teach For Indonesia. BINUS University menyadari pentingnya kehadiran warga sekitar untuk BINUS University sehingga setiap tahunnya demi menjaga tali silaturahmi yang baik diadakan kegiatan BUKBER ini.

Dihadiri oleh Bapak Steven Wahyudi Santoso selaku President of Higher Education dan Bapak Johan, S.Kom., MM selaku Vice Rector Student Affairs & Community Development dan juga BINUSIAN serta aparatur Negara lainnya, acara berlangsung dengan hikmat dan meriah.

Serta dipenghujung acara, BINUS University memberikan kenang-kenangan berupa paket sembako kepada seluruh warga undangan yang telah hadir pada acara tersebut.


Break Fasting with BINUS Kemanggisan on May 23, 2019

Thursday, 23 May 2019. The BINUS University campus which is on Jalan Anggrek or better known as BINUS Anggrek, the campus atmosphere feels lonely without any student activities caused by the GSLC week. However, the atmosphere changed after hundreds of residents were seen coming to the BINUS Anggrek campus in the afternoon. Various ages from young, old, small children to adults crowded the BINUS University campus food court.

The sudden arrival of residents was not meant to hold a protest, demonstration or demonstration. However, residents have flocked to attend BUKBER activities organized by BINUS University through Teach For Indonesia. BINUS University realizes the importance of the presence of local residents for BINUS University so that every year in order to maintain good ties, BUKBER activities are held.

Attended by Mr. Steven Wahyudi Santoso as President of Higher Education and Mr. Johan, S.Kom., MM as Vice Rector for Student Affairs & Community Development as well as BINUSIAN and other State officials, the event took place with great wisdom and joy.

And at the end of the event, BINUS University provided a souvenir in the form of a basic food package to all invited residents who had attended the event.