Minggu, 5 Agustus 2018, pukul 18:46:35 WIB, gempa bumi terjadi di daerah Indonesia bagian Timur, Informasi dari BMKG pusat gempa bumi utama berada pada koordinat 8,37° LS dan 116,48° BT, dengan magnitudo 7,0 SR pada kedalaman 15 Km, berjarak 27 Km timur laut Lombok Utara. Bumi pertiwi Lombok dalam suasana mencekam, kepanikan melanda warga, potensi tsunami menyelimuti warga. Ketakutan dan kekhawatiran warga semakin menjadi setelah terjadi puluhan kali gempa susulan yang mengancam keselamatan warga.

Ratusan korban jiwa melayang akibat gempa, ribuan korban luka dan anak-anak mengalami trauma, ribuan tempat tinggal luluh lantak di hantam gempa, lumpuhnya berbagai fasilitas dan sector ekonomi memperparah kondisi saudara-saudara kita di Lombok sana.

Penggalangan dana dan pengumpulan bantuan pun digalakan oleh berbagai pihak dan salah satunya adalah Teach For Indonesia. Teach For Indonesia mengajak para BINUSIAN untuk turut membantu meringankan beban saudara-saudara kita yang berada di Lombok dengan menyumbang pakaian serta makanan dan perlengkapan bayi.

Ratusan pakaian dan makanan bayi pun terkumpul dari para BINUSIAN dengan total berat 400kg yang didukung oleh J&T Express sebagai mitra logistic. Bantuan tersebut dibawa serta disalurkan oleh J&T Express melalui Posko Induk Badan Nasional Penanggulangan Bencana – Lombok pada tanggal 24 Agustus 2018.

Diharapkan bantuan dari BINUSIAN, serta dukungan dari J&T Express dapat meringankan beban saudara-saudara kita yang sedang tertimpa musibah di Lombok sana.


BINUS – Caring for Lombok, Binus Distributes 400 kg of Aid for Victims of the Lombok Earthquake on AUGUST 30, 2018

On Sunday, August 5, 2018, at 18:46:35 IWST, an earthquake occurred in the eastern part of Indonesia. Information from the main earthquake center BMKG was at coordinates 8.37 ° latitude and 116.48 ° east, with a magnitude of 7.0 SR at a depth of 15 Km, located 27 Km northeast of North Lombok. The Motherland of Lombok in a tense atmosphere, panic swept over residents, the potential for a tsunami to envelop residents. Residents’ fears and worries became even worse after dozens of aftershocks that threatened the safety of residents.

Hundreds of casualties died due to the earthquake, thousands of injured victims and children were traumatized, thousands of shattered homes were devastated in the quake, the paralysis of various facilities and the economic sector worsened the condition of our brothers and sisters in Lombok there.

Fundraising and aid collection are also promoted by various parties and one of them is Teach For Indonesia. Teach For Indonesia invites BINUSIAN to help ease the burden of our brothers and sisters in Lombok by donating clothes and food and baby equipment.

Hundreds of clothes and baby food were collected from BINUSIAN with a total weight of 400kg supported by J&T Express as a logistics partner. The aid was brought and distributed by J&T Express through the National Agency for Disaster Management – Lombok Main Post on 24 August 2018.

It is hoped that assistance from BINUSIAN, as well as support from J&T Express, can ease the burden of our brothers and sisters who are currently suffering from the disaster in Lombok.

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