Momentum berbagi dan kebersamaan di bulan suci Ramadhan, tidak saja menjadi khusus bagi pribadi-pribadi Muslim, tetapi juga merupakan saat yang dirasa pas bagi seluruh lapisan masyarakat untuk berperan aktif dalam mempererat silaturahmi antar sesama.

Hal ini juga lah yang mendorong BINUS University melalui Teach For Indonesia, mengadakan kegiatan Buka Puasa Bersama dengan warga sekitar, pada Kamis (31/5). Kegiatan buka puasa bersama ini digelar bersama anak-anak dari 3 yayasan panti asuhan, warga sekitar, serta pejabat lingkungan Kemanggisan di sekitar BINUS University.

Acara dimulai pukul 17.30 WIB yang dibuka oleh lantunan ayat-ayat suci, dengan kegiatan selanjutnya ialah mendengarkan sepatah kata sambutan dari ketua yayasan BINUS University Ir. Bernard Gunawan dan Rektor BINUS University Prof. Dr. Ir. Harjanto Prabowo, MM.  Acara ini juga dimeriahkan oleh kelompok kolintang karyawan BINUS University dan penampilan kelompok Hadroh Kebun Jeruk yang melantunkan lagu-lagu Muslim yang indah, dan juga dilengkapi oleh tausiyah sembari menunggu tibanya adzan magrib. Selain kegiatan Buka Puasa Bersama, BINUS University melalui Teach For Indonesia juga turut membagikan sembako bagi para warga yang hadir.

Ir. Bernard Gunawan, selaku CEO BINUS University dalam sambutannya menyatakan salah satu tujuan dari acara ini adalah sebagai aksi nyata seluruh keluarga besar BINUS University dalam mendukung persatuan dan kemajuan bangsa. Dengan tema “Melalui Pembinaan dan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat, Kita Dukung Persatuan dan Kemajuan Bangsa”, Ir Bernard Gunawan juga menuturkan alasan mengapa kegiatan Buka Puasa Bersama ini disebut sebagai aksi pendukung persatuan dan kesatuan bangsa Indonesia, sebab melalui acara ini, silaturahmi yang terjalin dapat meningkatkan rasa kebersamaan, rasa peduli, dan rasa solidaritas dalam masyarakat, sehingga dengan meningkatnya rasa tersebut masyarakat akan tergugah untuk menjaga persatuan dan meningkatkan kemajuan bangsa Indonesia.

Terakhir, Ir. Bernard Gunawan melalui sambutannya juga berharap segenap keluarga besar BINUS University agar  dapat lebih sering lagi melakukan serangkaian kegiatan yang dapat melibatkan masyarakat sekitar bahkan menjangkau seluruh lapisan masyarakat, karena kepercayaan akan pentingnya pembinaan dan pemberdayaan bagi persatuan dan kemajuan bangsa Indonesia diyakini akan selalu ada.

Salam Komunitas.


Supporting the Unity and Progressing of the Nation, BINUS University Held Iftar Together with Local Residents.

Momentum of sharing and togetherness in the holy month of Ramadan, not only becomes special for Muslim individuals, but also is a time that feels right for all walks of life to play an active role in strengthening friendship between each other.

This is also what drives BINUS University through Teach For Indonesia, to hold Iftar Together with local residents, on Thursday (5/31). The joint iftar program was held with children from 3 orphanage foundations, local residents, as well as Kemanggisan neighborhood officials around BINUS University.

The event began at 17:30 WIB which was opened by chanting verses, with the next activity was listening to a speech from the chairman of the BINUS University foundation Ir. Bernard Gunawan and Chancellor of BINUS University Prof. Dr. Ir. Harjanto Prabowo, MM. The event was also enlivened by the Kolintang group of BINUS University employees and the appearance of the Hadroh Kebun Jeruk group who sang beautiful Muslim songs, and was also complemented by tausiyah while waiting for the arrival of the evening prayer. In addition to breaking the Fast Break together, BINUS University through Teach For Indonesia also distributed food to the citizens who attended.

Ir. Bernard Gunawan, as the CEO of BINUS University in his remarks stated that one of the objectives of this event was as a concrete action for the entire BINUS University family to support the unity and progress of the nation. With the theme “Through Community Development and Empowerment, We Support National Unity and Progress”, Ir. Bernard Gunawan also explained the reason why the Joint Break Fasting event was called an action to support the unity and integrity of the Indonesian nation, because through this event, the relationship that was established could increase the sense togetherness, caring, and a sense of solidarity in the community, so that with the increasing feeling the community will be moved to maintain unity and improve the progress of the Indonesian nation.

Finally, Ir. Bernard Gunawan through his remarks also hoped that the entire BINUS University family would be able to carry out a series of activities more frequently that could involve the surrounding community and even reach all walks of life, because the belief in the importance of fostering and empowering for the unity and progress of the Indonesian nation was believed to always be there.


Greetings Community.


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