Dalam rangka memperingati Hari Pendidikan Nasional yang jatuh pada tanggal 2 Mei 2018, Teach For Indonesia bersama HIMPAUDI Kecamatan Palmerah mengadakan lomba yang bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kreatifitas, kecerdasan, dan ketangkasan para peserta didik dan juga memupuk rasa kebersamaan para orang tua dari seluruh PAUD sekecamatan Palmerah. Lomba tersebut diselenggarakan di Universitas Bina Nusantara Kampus Anggrek dan diikuti sebanyak kurang lebih 1400 orang.

Ada 4 kategori lomba yang diselenggarakan, antara lain adalah:

  1. Menyusun Kata
  • Mencocokkan kata sesuai dengan gambar
  1. Estafet Bola
  • Memindahkan bola pada ember dengan warna yang sama
  1. Memindahkan Bendera
  • Memindahkan bendera secara bergantian paling cepat
  1. Mewarnai Talenan (Orang Tua)
  • Mewarnai talenan sekreatif mungkin dengan menggunakan crayon


Selain lomba, ada pula seminar parenting, sosialisasi GERNAS BAKU (Gerakan Nasional Orang Tua Membacakan Buku). GERNAS BAKU sendiri adalah suatu gerakan untuk mendukung inisiatif dan peran keluarga Indonesia dalam meningkatkan minat baca anak melalui pembiasaan di rumah, lembaga PAUD, dan masyarakat. Pada seminar ini, dijelaskan pada orang tua seberapa pentingnya membacakan buku pada anak dari usia dini, salah satu tindakannya adalah membacakan buku pada anak setidaknya kurang lebih 10 menit. GERNAS BAKU pun akan dilaksanakan secara serentak pada tanggal 5 Mei 2018.

Kegiatan ini juga dimeriahkan oleh Abang None Jakarta Barat 2018, pemuda pemudi terbaik Jakarta sebagai Duta Wisata dan Budaya Jakarta Barat, yang membawakan Tarian Betawi, dan juga disponsori oleh GREEBEL, salah satu brand alat tulis yang sedang sangat berkembang di Indonesia.

Dengan adanya kegiatan ini, semoga anak-anak Indonesia dapat terus berkembang menjadi anak-anak yang kreatif dan penuh prestasi.


Salam komunitas.



In commemoration of the National Education Day which falls on May 2, 2018, Teach For Indonesia together with HIMPAUDI Palmerah District held a competition aimed at increasing the creativity, intelligence, and agility of students and also fostering a sense of togetherness of parents from all PAUD in Palmerah sub-district. The competition was held at the University of Bina Nusantara Anggrek Campus and attended by approximately 1400 people.

There are 4 categories of competitions held, including:

  1. Construct words
  • Match the words according to the picture
  1. Ball Relay
  • Move the ball in the bucket of the same color
  1. Move the Flag
  • Move the flags in turn the fastest
  1. Coloring the Cutting Board (Parents)
  • Color the cutting board as creatively as possible by using crayons

In addition to the competition, there was also a parenting seminar, GERNAS BAKU (National Parents Movement Reading a Book). GERNAS BAKU itself is a movement to support the initiative and role of Indonesian families in increasing children’s reading interest through habituation at home, early childhood education institutions, and the community. In this seminar, explained to parents how important it is to read books to children from an early age, one of the actions is to read books to children for at least 10 minutes. GERNAS BAKU will also be held simultaneously on May 5, 2018.

This activity was also enlivened by West Jakarta Abang None 2018, Jakarta’s best young woman as the Tourism and Culture Ambassador of West Jakarta, who performed the Betawi Dance, and was also sponsored by GREEBEL, one of the very developing stationery brands in Indonesia.

With this activity, hopefully Indonesian children can continue to develop into creative and accomplished children.


Greetings community.

The Open Group OG0-092 Demo : TOGAF 9 Part 2

When the dense The Open Group OG0-092 Demo fog filled, I walked out of the OG0-092 Demo rental house and walked in the empty The Open Group Certification OG0-092 Demo TOGAF 9 Part 2 and chaotic city. This is a collective The Open Group Certification OG0-092 game with protagonists and supporting actors, as The Open Group OG0-092 Demo well as extras. I should be alert, I am setting a bad example for my daughter. He asked if The Open Group OG0-092 Demo it used to be called Riverside Street. I don The Open Group OG0-092 Demo t want to eat. The daughter protested.

Although the daily routine also go to the The Open Group OG0-092 Demo Academy of The Open Group OG0-092 Demo Forestry d, but no real chores, no salary, the situation was actually Shuji Jishi. Su Shun sooner or later have to go to the foreground by the background, Zeng Guofan just did The Open Group OG0-092 Demo not expect to be so fast. Yutai TOGAF 9 Part 2 The Open Group Certification OG0-092 first gasped The Open Group OG0-092 Demo for half the weather before he said The ministry received a letter from the encampment, and immediately The Open Group OG0-092 Demo went to Guangxi to suppress the bandits. Ten disciples of Tseng Kuo fan are not only examining all the exams, but rankings are higher than before. OG0-092 Demo I think it can not push, and had to fight this Old face to find the younger brother.

At that time, the big black in the pictures was not as broad as his eyes.However, the same. I put my hands on the empty bed board, slowly knelt down, put my entire upper body lying on the bed, face close to the rough with a wooden ballast child s bed board, affixed to The Open Group OG0-092 Demo the tight I know, this is a small shadow bed slept. Old artillery can be like that, a OG0-092 Demo dignified special warfare major is not better than him I am not a recruiter egg, so this nerve has been no loose. I suddenly rushed in her arms cry, like a child.Xiao hui hold me tight cry.I cry crying I know I am not a man, but my little shadow disappeared Why do not you let me cry What is it Phoebe hugged me so tightly I was crying. We at the airport customs channel in front of her father and mother face long kiss, tears flow together. So, you are so carefully wiped clean.Then I put it next to my computer so well.Just go busy, and I remember when I live in the chaos really can.I look OG0-092 Demo familiar and unfamiliar you in my house to pack up, although not skilled but neatly tidy later The Open Group OG0-092 Demo you skilled , but also from time to time in the code I complain a few Oh, being a soldier Look at you, I really do not know how TOGAF 9 Part 2 to get out of this soldier Our college military training when you are much stronger than you now You are too lazy to be a soldier The words are a bit annoying later I know you are really nothing at home , but more of that kind of complaining I know, I want to be honest, you are not happy to come to The Open Group Certification OG0-092 my home, I am sure my heart is thinking Who has been Oh, I said right Silly girl.