Rabu, 13 Desember 2017

Teach For Indonesia sebagai unit yang bertanggung jawab dan konsen terhadap pengembangan komunitas, secara berkesinambungan mengembangkan dan mengkoordinir berbagai program yang tidak akan dapat berjalan dengan baik tanpa adanya dukungan dari berbagai pihak, terutama volunteer dan mitra Teach For Indonesia. Oleh karena itu, sebagai ungkapan rasa terima kasih dan penghargaan Teach For Indonesia kepada para volunteer dan para mitra, yang selama ini telah mendukung Teach For Indonesia dalam upayanya untuk meningkatkan kualitas hidup masyarakat di sepanjang tahun 2017, Teach For Indonesia mengadakan sebuah acara dengan nama TFI Award 2017.

Tema pada tahun 2017 ini adalah “Fostering and Empowering Community to Improve Quality of Life”. Sehingga, penghargaan yang diberikan mengacu kepada program-program pendampingan dan pemberdayaaan komunitas secara berkelanjutan yang di dalamnya terdapat kontribusi dari para volunteer dan mitra Teach For Indonesia. Adapun beberapa kategori penghargaan yang diberikan, antara lain:

  1. Best Tutoring Volunteer .
  2. Best Garage Sale Volunteer
  3. Best Blood Donation Volunteer
  4. Best Student Organization in Community Development Program
  5. Most Committed Foster Parents
  6. Most Contributed Partner for Enrichment Program 3+1
  7. Most Committed Partner
  8. Most Inspiring Volunteer
  9. Most Influential Volunteer
  10. Volunteer of the Year

Selain pemberian penghargaan kepada para volunteer dan mitra, acara ini dimeriahkan oleh para mahasiswa/i Bina Nusantara yang turut menampilkan tarian dan nyanyian untuk menghibur peserta yang datang dalam TFI Award 2017.


Selanjutnya, acara TFI Award 2017 ditutup dengan makan malam bersama sebagai salah satu bentuk ucapan terima kasih atas kehadiran para volunteer, mitra, dan tamu undangan lainnya. Semoga dengan adanya acara ini memberikan semangat baru bagi kita semua dalam  menjalankan program secara berkelanjutan di tahun 2018.

“Together We Can Change Indonesia”


TFI Award 2017

Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Teach For Indonesia as a unit that is responsible and concerned with community development, continuously develops and coordinates various programs that cannot run well without the support of various parties, especially volunteers and Teach For Indonesia partners. Therefore, as an expression of gratitude and appreciation for Teach For Indonesia to the volunteers and partners, who have been supporting Teach For Indonesia in their efforts to improve the quality of life of the people throughout 2017, Teach For Indonesia held an event called TFI 2017 Award.

The theme in 2017 is “Fostering and Empowering Community to Improve Quality of Life”. Thus, the award given refers to ongoing community assistance and empowerment programs in which there are contributions from volunteers and Teach For Indonesia partners. As for several categories of awards given, including:

Best Tutoring Volunteer.

Best Garage Sale Volunteer

Best Blood Donation Volunteer

Best Student Organization in Community Development Program

Most Committed Foster Parents

Most Contributed Partner for Enrichment Program 3 + 1

Most Committed Partner

Most Inspiring Volunteer

Most Influential Volunteer

Volunteer of the Year

In addition to giving awards to volunteers and partners, the event was enlivened by Bina Nusantara students who also performed dances and songs to entertain participants who came in the 2017 TFI Award.

Furthermore, the 2017 TFI Award was closed by having dinner together as a form of gratitude for the presence of the volunteers, partners, and other invited guests. Hopefully this event will give us a new enthusiasm in running the program in a sustainable manner in 2018


“Together We Can Change Indonesia”


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