Pekan Keanekaragaman Budaya Nusantara dan Kreatifitas Pelajar diselenggarakan oleh Teach For Indonesia (TFI) sebagai salah satu wadah untuk melestarikan dan mempromosikan keragaman budaya Indonesia. Kegiatan Pekan ini diadakan mulai tanggal 30 Oktober sampai 2 November 2017 di Kampus Binus Anggrek. Pada kegiatan pekan ini terdapat puluhan menu jenis makanan khas nusantara dan belasan stand kerajinan batik yang tersedia, mulai dari sepatu, tas, aksesoris, dan pakaian. Keterkaitan dengan tema acara Pekan, ada beberapa lomba yang kami adakan seperti “Lomba Daur Ulang Bahan Bekas” dan “Lomba Desain Batik” yang hasilnya dihimpun dari berbagai sekolah SMA/K sederajat di JABODETABEK.

Oleh karena itu, terima kasih atas dukungan dari seluruh tenant, pengisi acara dan sponsor serta media partner yang sudah berpartisipasi untuk mensukseskan acara Pekan ini.


Archipelago Cultural Diversity Week & Student Creativity on 30 October – 2 November 2017

The Archipelago Cultural Diversity Week and Student Creativity are organized by Teach For Indonesia (TFI) as a forum to preserve and promote the diversity of Indonesian culture. Activities this week was held from 30 October to 2 November 2017 at the Binus Anggrek Campus. In this week’s activity, there are dozens of menus of typical archipelago food types and dozens of batik craft stands available, ranging from shoes, bags, accessories, and clothing. In connection with the theme of the Week event, there were a number of contests that we held such as “Used Material Recycling Competition” and “Batik Design Contest” which results were collected from various high school / equivalent schools in JABODETABEK.

Therefore, thank you for the support of all tenants, performers and sponsors as well as media partners who have participated to make this Week’s event a success.


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