1 1801381563 Andrew Lee Widjaja Cerita Rakyat Dari Tuban Halaman Masih Nyatu
2 1701311871 Arum Dyah Restiani Damarwulan, Troublemakers Tidak Ada di link
3 1801402800 Arung Segara Wicaksono Panduan Belajar Bahasa & Sastra Tidak ada di link
4 1901463955 Dennis Saputra Ucil Si Kancil Halaman Masih Nyatu
5 1801407921 Edwin Kisah Dari Banggai Tidak ada di link
6 2001542424 Fernando Lioexander Mandiri : English On Target 3 Sudah OK
7 1801386753 FIRDA AMALIA RAHMADHANI Pembelajaran Tematik Terpadu IPA Sudah OK
8 1801374684 JESSICA English Elevator International Sudah OK
9 2001589623 Kevin Angkajaya Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan u/ kelas 7 SD Sudah OK
10 1801406263 Leo Tanardy Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan u/ kelas 3 SD Sudah OK
11 1801388235 Lilis Dian Sari PLKJ 1 Sudah OK
12 1801417216 Louis Raymond Bahasa Indonesia 3 SD Sudah OK
13 1801393885 Made Ary Wibhisana Cerita Rakyat Dari Pandeglang, Cerita Rakyat dari Banten Halaman Masih Nyatu
14 1701369696 Nasha Aprilia Surga Ditangan Ibu Sudah OK
15 1901479184 Rizal Haqo Karami Akidah Akhlak Sudah ok
16 1701334660 Darien Harly zero to one Tidak bisa di akses
17 1801415803 Winwin Michael Leonady analisa dan riset pasar Tidak bisa di akses
18 1801428415 Yenly kewirausahaan, mengaktualisasikan sikap dan perilaku wirausaha Tidak bisa di akses
19 1801385391 Naomi Angelina mengenal pahlawan bangsa Sudah ok
20 2001575776 Whisnu Setiawan IPS kelas VIII Sudah ok
21 1901471194 Maura Ovellia 1. cerita rakyat dari bintan, 2. kupu-kupu kubis Sudah ok
22 1901534825 Livia Averine berpetualang ke kebun binatang Sudah ok
23 1901523304 Norman Minjaya dongeng seru sebelum tidur Sudah ok
24 1901459213 Elsa Levina 2 of me Sudah ok
25 1901534705 Alexandra Jessica Citradewi bahas tuntas 1001 soal biologi SMA Sudah ok
26 1801383726 Alvin Kristanto 30 cerita tata krama Sudah ok
27 1801378783 Livia Vania dongeng seru sebelum tidur Sudah ok
28 1701334660 Darien Harly zero to one Sudah ok
29 1701362020 Aghel Prabandono Genghis Khan : Sang Penakluk Hanya 17 Lembar
30 1801381563 Andrew Lee Widjaja Cerita Rakyat Dari Tuban Link Tidak bisa di access
31 1701333203 Athalia Divanie Anjani Buku Bahasa Indonesia Link Tidak bisa di access
32 1901463955 Dennis Saputra Ucil Si Kancil Halaman Masih Nyatu
33 1801384722 Julio Christanto Teguh Pande Gelang Nama Tidak Ditemukan
34 1901465166 Micheal Young Bahan Dasar Untuk Pelayanan Konseling Halaman Masih Nyatu
35 1701338476 Muhammad Cahyo Adhityo New Horizon English Sma Nama Tidak Ditemukan
36 1901480066 Widyaningtyas Putri Makin Seru di kelas ajaib Halaman 1-9 tidak ada
37 1901460404 Anggita Putri Prahasta Mukjizat para rasul-rasul Sudah OK
38 1901457233 Davis Tannaya Mahamangala Sutta Berkah Utama Sudah OK
39 1801427910 Eunike Gabriella Rangkuman Fisika X, XI, XII Sudah OK
40 1901459541 Jonathan Suluh Siswa 2: BERBUAH DALAM KRISTUS Sudah OK
41 1901456804 Ivan Sraruariandi Allah Mahakuasa kelas 4 SD Sudah OK
42 2001541932 Meily Cinta Pahlawan Nasional Indonesia Sudah OK
43 1801386545 Marco Wijaya Tuntas Pengendalian Diri Halaman Masih Nyatu
44 1901487734 Praditta Syifa Desvi 1 jam jago Matematika SMA Sudah OK
45 1901471414 Andika Aulia Putra Kumpulan dongeng binatang Nusantara Sudah OK
46 1901460045 Michael Dyan Seri Cerita Rakyat 34 provinsi Malin Kundang Sudah OK
47 1901460171 Emilio Joshua Adiputra Ilmuan yang mengubah dunia Jamess Watt Sudah OK
48 1901456035 Jonathan Pratama T PAK Sem 1 & 2 Sudah OK
49 1901477802 Dinda Annisarah Pratiwi Cerita Rakyat Jepang Sudah OK
50 1801404913 Jesica Wijaya Liu Cerita Rakyat Singapura Sudah OK
51 1901508783 Bramasto Wibisono Math Magic Sudah OK
52 1901507572 Siddhison Padmatjandra Cry, the beloved country Halaman Masih Nyatu
53 1701358225 Sarah Faoziah Hikmah PLKJ untuk kelas VII SMP/MTs Sudah OK
54 1701355293 Sabila Surya Putri Makananku sehat dan bergizi Sudah OK
55 1901466490 Angelina Veronica Si Ajow yang heboh Sudah OK
56 1801385265 Alvina Monica Legenda si Kancil Sudah OK
57 1901504362 Farhan Farras Pendidikan Agama Islam kelas 3 Sudah OK
58 1901463690 Riandy Naga Setiawan Panduan Lengkap EYD Halaman masih Nyatu
59 1901473842 Richard Walton H. Pakar Matematika SMA Kelas X Sudah OK
60 1901457284 Kevin Gunadi Menggapai Rembulan Halaman masih Nyatu
61 1901456123 Kornelius Ardian Chandra Biologi 2 SMP Kelas XII Halaman masih Nyatu
62 1901518550 Leonardo Dwi Putra Aku bangga menjadi warga negara Sudah OK
63 1901462454 Reyvin Andrian Si penjelajah Lut tawar Link Tidak Bisa Dibuka
64 1901482866 Delvin Vincentius T. Rahasia Logam Ajaib Halaman masih Nyatu
65 1901459352 Nathaniel Christian Salim Pakar Matematika jilid 2 SMA Sudah OK
66 1901501700 Kenjiro Aslan Theng Mainstream Matematika Dasar SMA/MTs Sudah OK
67 1801387932 Michael Herman Melihat lebih dekat bencana 1 Sudah OK
68 1801374040 Ni Nyoman Andita Rakasiwi Chairil Anwar Sudah OK
69 1801381084 Irene Florensia Bahasa Indonesia kelas IV Sudah OK
70 1801412594 Christy Susanto Advanced English Vocabulary Halaman masih Nyatu
71 1801384621 Chelsya Agestia Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam SMK/MAK Sudah OK
72 1801435616 Fathurrahman Diko Raditya Autobiografi Letkol TNI Willater Halaman Masih Nyatu
73 1801428434 Alvin Theodora Pendidikan Budi Pekerti kelas X Sudah OK
74 2001554203 Feronika Bertumbuh dalam Kristus Sudah OK
75 1901466175 Devin Jastona Kumala Roro Jongrang Legenda Candi Prambanan Sudah OK
76 1801381254 brandon manusia dan masyarakat sosiologi Link Tidak bisa di access
77 1801393052 Martin Arlando Teng kimia untuk SMA Kelas X Sem.2 Sudah OK
78 1901480066 Widyaningtyas Putri makin seru di kelas ajaib Sudah OK
79 1901469605 Dannies Suherman Matematika SMA Kelas XII Sudah OK
80 1801384836 Dennis adinata kimia 2000 SMU Kelas 1 Sudah OK
81 1801399711 Kevin Himawan look  a head an english course Sudah OK
82 1901500162 Nadhia Fatimah rangkuman Kimia SMA Sudah OK
83 1701362020 Aghel Prabandono genghiskhan sang penakluk Sudah OK
84 1801382805 Reinhart OSN Matematika SD Sudah OK
85 1801379962 Endi Septia Wisnu Iustitiawan seri pendalaman materi Biologi SMA Sudah OK
86 1701349372 Adiyansjah IPS Sosiologi VII, sem. 1 Sudah OK
87 1701327541 faiz aghnial husna Matematika SMA Sudah OK
88 1901458835 Luciana Regina Marganie Sejarah SMA Kelas XII Sudah OK
89 1801396060 Titien Meinawati pendidikan kewarganegaraan SD kelas 2 Sudah OK
90 1701333203 Athalia Divanie Anjani Buku Bahasa Indonesia Link Tidak bisa Di access
91 1901463955 Dennis Saputra Ucil Si Kancil Halaman Masih Nyatu
92 1801384722 Julio Christanto Teguh Pande Gelang Nama Tidak Ditemukan
93 1901465166 Micheal Young Bahan Dasar Untuk Pelayanan Konseling Halaman Masih Nyatu
94 1701338476 Muhammad Cahyo Adhityo New Horizon English Sma Nama Tidak Ditemukan
95 1901480066 Widyaningtyas Putri Makin Seru di kelas ajaib Halaman 1-9 tidak ada
96 1701306631 Bathia Pratiwi Remen Basa Jawi Link Tidak ada
97 1801381166 Dynda Rizky Bahasa Indonesia 4 SD Halaman Masih Nyatu
98 1701342214 Barry Evan Sumatri AKU Halaman Masih Nyatu
99 1901530493 Dede Maulana Cerdas Berbahasa indonesia Link Tidak Ada
100 1701338135 Immanuel A. Johannes Rahasia di pulau kirrin Belum Kirim link


List of volunteers and books that have been collected as of July 13, 2017

uides : Six Sigma Green Belt


List of volunteers and books that have been collected as of July 13, 2017

1 1801381563 Andrew Lee Widjaja Folklore From Tuban Pages Still Together
2 1701311871 Arum Dyah Restiani Damarwulan, Troublemakers Not available on the link
3 1801402800 Arung Segara Wicaksono Language & Literature Study Not available on the link
4 1901463955 Dennis Saputra Ucil The Mouse Deer Pages Still Together
5 1801407921 Edwin The Story of Proud Nothing in the link
6 2001542424 Fernando Lioexander Mandiri: English On Target 3 It’s OK
7 1801386753 FIRDA AMALIA RAHMADHANI Science Thematic Integrated Learning Is OK
8 1801374684 JESSICA English Elevator International It’s OK
9 2001589623 Kevin Angkajaya Civics Education for 7th grade elementary school OK
10 1801406263 Leo Tanardy Civics Education for grade 3 elementary school OK
11 1801388235 Lilis Dian Sari PLKJ 1 It’s OK
12 1801417216 Louis Raymond Indonesian 3 Elementary Schools OK
13 1801393885 Made Ary Wibhisana Folklore From Pandeglang, Folklore from Banten Pages Still Together
14 1701369696 Nasha Aprilia Heaven in Mother’s Hands It’s OK
15 1901479184 Rizal Haqo Karami Akidah Morals Already ok
16 1701334660 Darien Harly zero to one Cannot be accessed
17 1801415803 Winwin Michael Leonady analysis and market research Cannot be accessed
18 1801428415 Yenly entrepreneurship, actualizing entrepreneurial attitudes and behavior Not accessible
19 1801385391 Naomi Angelina knows the nation’s heroes It’s ok
20 2001575776 Whisnu Setiawan IPS class VIII It’s ok
21 1901471194 Maura Ovellia 1. folklore from bintan, 2. cabbage butterfly It’s ok
22 1901534825 Livia Averine adventuring to the It’s ok
23 1901523304 Norman Minjaya Exciting fairytale before going to sleep It’s ok
24 1901459213 Elsa Levina 2 of me It’s ok
25 1901534705 Alexandra Jessica Citradewi thoroughly discussed 1001 high school biology problems Already ok
26 1801383726 Alvin Kristanto 30 stories of manners It’s ok
27 1801378783 Livia Vania Exciting fairytale before going to sleep It’s ok
28 1701334660 Darien Harly zero to one It’s ok
29 1701362020 Aghel Prabandono Genghis Khan: The Conqueror Only 17 Sheets
30 1801381563 Andrew Lee Widjaja Folklore From Tuban Link Cannot be accessed
31 1701333203 Athalia Divanie Anjani Indonesian Language Book Link Cannot be accessed
32 1901463955 Dennis Saputra Ucil The Mouse Deer Pages Still Together
33 1801384722 Julio Christanto Teguh Pande Bracelet Name Not Found
34 1901465166 Micheal Young Basic Materials for Counseling Services Pages Still Together
35 1701338476 Muhammad Cahyo Adhityo New Horizon English High School Name Not Found
36 1901480066 Widyaningtyas Putri Fun in the magic class Page 1-9 no
37 1901460404 Anggita Putri Prahasta The miracles of the apostles OK
38 1901457233 Davis Tannaya Mahamangala The Main Blessing Sutta It’s OK
39 1801427910 Eunike Gabriella Summary of Physics X, XI, XII It’s OK
40 1901459541 Jonathan Suluh Student 2: FRUIT IN CHRIST It’s OK
41 1901456804 Ivan Sraruariandi Allah Almighty 4th grade elementary school It’s OK
42 2001541932 Meily Love Indonesian National Heroes It’s OK
43 1801386545 Marco Wijaya Completed Self-Control Pages Still Together
44 1901487734 Praditta Syifa Desvi 1 hour of high school Math champion OK
45 1901471414 Andika Aulia Putra Collection of Nusantara fairy tales animals OK
46 1901460045 Michael Dyan Series of Folklore 34 Malin Kundang province OK
47 1901460171 Emilio Joshua Adiputra The scientist who changed the world of Jamess Watt It’s OK
48 1901456035 Jonathan Pratama T PAK Sem 1 & 2 It’s OK
49 1901477802 Dinda Annisarah Pratiwi Japanese Folklore It’s OK
50 1801404913 Jesica Wijaya Liu Singapore Folklore It’s OK
51 1901508783 Bramasto Wibisono Math Magic It’s OK
52 1901507572 Siddhison Padmatjandra Cry, the beloved country Pages Still Together
53 1701358225 Sarah Faoziah Hikmah PLKJ for class VII SMP / MTs It’s OK
54 1701355293 Sabila Surya Putri My food is healthy and nutritious It’s OK
55 1901466490 Angelina Veronica The crazy Ajow OK
56 1801385265 Alvina Monica The Legend of the Mouse Deer It’s OK
57 1901504362 Farhan Farras Islamic Education Class 3 Already OK
58 1901463690 Riandy Naga Setiawan Complete Guide EYD Pages Still Together
59 1901473842 Richard Walton H. High School Mathematics Class X Expert OK
60 1901457284 Kevin Gunadi Reaching the Moon Pages Still Together
61 1901456123 Kornelius Ardian Chandra Biology 2 Middle School Class XII Pages Still Together
62 1901518550 Leonardo Dwi Putra I’m proud to be a citizen Sudah OK
63 1901462454 Reyvin Andrian The explorer Lut bargain Link Cannot Be Opened
64 1901482866 Delvin Vincentius T. The Secret of the Magic Metal Pages Still Together
65 1901459352 Nathaniel Christian Salim Expert in Mathematics Volume 2 High School It’s OK
66 1901501700 Kenjiro Aslan Theng Mainstream Elementary Mathematics High School / MTs Already OK
67 1801387932 Michael Herman A closer look at the disaster 1 It’s OK
68 1801374040 Ni Nyoman Andita Rakasiwi Chairil Anwar It’s OK
69 1801381084 Irene Florensia Indonesian class IV It’s OK
70 1801412594 Christy Susanto Advanced English Vocabulary Pages Still merge
71 1801384621 Chelsya Agestia Science SMK / MAK It’s OK
72 1801435616 Fathurrahman Diko Raditya Autobiography of Lieutenant Colonel Willater Pages Still Full
73 1801428434 Alvin Theodora Education Budi Pekerti class X It’s OK
74 2001554203 Feronika Growing in Christ It’s OK
75 1901466175 Devin Jastona Kumala Roro Jongrang Legend of Prambanan Temple It’s OK
76 1801381254 brandon human and sociology community Link Tidak bisa di access
77 1801393052 Martin Arlando Teng chemistry for High School Class X Sem.2 OK
78 1901480066 Widyaningtyas Putri is getting more exciting in the magic class It’s OK
79 1901469605 Dannies Suherman High School Mathematics Class XII OK
80 1801384836 Dennis adinata chemistry 2000 High School Class 1 It’s OK
81 1801399711 Kevin Himawan look  a head an english course It’s OK
82 1901500162 Nadhia Fatimah High School Chemistry summary OK
83 1701362020 Aghel Prabandono genghiskhan the conqueror It’s OK
84 1801382805 Reinhart OSN Mathematics Elementary School OK
85 1801379962 Endi Septia Wisnu Iustitiawan series of deepening high school biology material is OK
86 1701349372 Adiyansjah IPS Sociology VII, sem. 1 It’s OK
87 1701327541 faiz aghnial husna High School Mathematics OK
88 1901458835 Luciana Regina Marganie History of High School Class XII It’s OK
89 1801396060 Titien Meinawati 2nd grade citizenship education OK
90 1701333203 Athalia Divanie Anjani Indonesian Book Links cannot be accessed
91 1901463955 Dennis Saputra Ucil The Mouse Deer Page Still Together
92 1801384722 Julio Christanto Teguh Pande Bracelet Name Not Found
93 1901465166 Micheal Young Basic Materials For Counseling Services Page Still Together
94 1701338476 Muhammad Cahyo Adhityo New Horizon English Sma Name Not Found
95 1901480066 Widyaningtyas Putri Makin Fun in the magic class Page 1-9 no
96 1701306631 Bathia Pratiwi Remen Basa Jawi Link None
97 1801381166 Dynda Rizky Indonesian 4 Primary Schools Pages Still Together
98 1701342214 Barry Evan Sumatri AKU Pages Still Together
99 1901530493 Dede Maulana Smart Indonesian Language Link None
100 1701338135 Immanuel A. Johannes Secrets on the island of Kirrin Not yet Send link



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