JAKARTA-APL Tower 41st Floor, Central Park Jakarta

Menyemarakkan rangkaian acara peringatan Hari Anak Nasional, Kementerian Pemberdayaan Perempuan dan Perlindungan Anak Republik Indonesia (KPP-PA RI), Marisza Cardoba Foundation (MCF), dan PT. Gramedia Pustaka Utama (GPU) menyelenggarakan talkshow kesehatan bertajuk “Peduli Autoimun, Penyakit Perempuan dan Anak”. Acara yang dihadiri hampir 1000 orang ini digelar di APL Tower lantai 41 Central Park Jakarta dan diliput oleh 30 media nasional, serta menghadirkan narasumber antara lain DR.dr.Iris Rengganis SPPD-KAI selaku pakar autoimun dan President Board of Supervisors MCF, Anisa Fikalonanda (penyintas autoimun cilik inspiratif binaan MCF), Lilik Sudarwati S.Psi,MH (mantan atlet bulu tangkis juara dunia RI, Board of Supervisors MCF) yang akan mengupas tentang The Power of Caregiving dalam perkembangan kesehatan pasien,  drg.Siska Liliana Muliadi (inspirator nasional PUSPA KPP-PA RI, Board of Advisors MCF) yang akan membahas kaitan Lima Dasar Hidup Sehat (LDHS) dengan kemajuan suatu bangsa, serta Yonita Chandra DVM,MBA (dokter hewan, Board of Supervisors MCF) dan Yennel S.Suzia yang merupakan penyintas autoimun inspiratif yang berkarya dengan autoimunnya. Acara ini dipandu oleh Jason Sambouw, pewarta berita Metro TV yang juga adalah Duta Autoimun MCF. Acara ini juga didukung oleh Laboratorium Prodia, Hai Dokter, puluhan relawan dari Teach For Indonesia, Gita Prasanthi Choir, dan sanggar tari bali.

Autoimun adalah penyakit yang sama kejamnya dengan kanker. Studi epidemiologi di dunia telah mengidentifikasi lebih dari 100 jenis penyakit autoimun. Penyakit autoimun adalah penyakit yang kronis, dapat menyebabkan kematian, dan tentunya membutuhkan biaya kesehatan yang tinggi. Saat ini penyintas autoimun semakin meningkat di dunia. Di Amerika Serikat, tercatat 50 juta penduduknya adalah penyintas autoimun, dengan 80% penyintasnya adalah perempuan dan anak. Autoimun juga menjadi penyebab utama kematian pada perempuan usia muda dan pertengahan. Rata-rata penyintas mengakui mengalami perasaan terpuruk, terlebih karena situasi ini tidak dipahami oleh diri mereka sendiri dan kebanyakan orang. Kesadaran masyarakat memang masih sangat minim. Menyikapi fakta tersebut, Marisza Cardoba Foundation (MCF) tak hanya berkerja sama dengan Kementerian Kesehatan Republik Indonesia, namun lebih khusus dengan Kementerian Pemberdayaan Perempuan dan Perlindungan Anak Republik Indonesia. (KPP-PA RI).

Salam Komunitas ^^.


“Autoimmune Caring, Women’s & Children’s Disease Talkshow” on July 9, 2017

JAKARTA-APL Tower 41st Floor, Central Park Jakarta

Liven up the series of events commemorating National Children’s Day, the Ministry of Women’s Empowerment and Child Protection of the Republic of Indonesia (KPP-PA RI), Marisza Cardoba Foundation (MCF), and PT. Gramedia Pustaka Utama (GPU) held a health talk show entitled “Caring for Autoimmune, Women’s and Children’s Diseases”. The event, which was attended by almost 1,000 people, was held at APL Tower 41st Floor Central Park Jakarta and covered by 30 national media, and featured speakers including Dr. Ir. Rrisganis SPPD-KAI as an autoimmune expert and MCF President Board of Supervisors, Anisa Fikalonanda ( inspirational child autoimmune survivors assisted by MCF), Lilik Sudarwati S.Psi, MH (former Indonesian badminton athlete, MCF Board of Supervisors) who will explore The Power of Care in patient health development, drg.Siska Liliana Muliadi (national inspirator PUSPA KPP-PA RI, MCF Board of Advisors which will discuss the relation of the Five Fundamentals of Healthy Living (LDHS) to the progress of a nation, and Yonita Chandra DVM, MBA (veterinarian, MCF Board of Supervisors) and Yennel S.Suzia who are survivors inspiring autoimmune that works with its autoimmune. The event was hosted by Jason Sambouw, Metro TV news reporter who is also the MCF Autoimmune Ambassador. The program was also supported by Prodia Laboratory, Hai Doctor, dozens of volunteers from Teach For Indonesia, Gita Prasanthi Choir, and the Balinese dance studio.

Autoimmune is a disease that is as cruel as cancer. Epidemiological studies in the world have identified more than 100 types of autoimmune diseases. Autoimmune diseases are chronic diseases, can cause death, and of course require high health costs. Nowadays autoimmune survivors are increasing in the world. In the United States, 50 million people are autoimmune survivors, with 80% of survivors being women and children. Autoimmune is also a leading cause of death in young and middle aged women. The average survivor admits to feeling worse, especially because this situation is not understood by themselves and most people. Public awareness is indeed still very minimal. In response to this fact, the Marisza Cardoba Foundation (MCF) not only cooperates with the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia, but more specifically with the Ministry of Women’s Empowerment and Child Protection of the Republic of Indonesia. (RI KPP-PA).


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