“Bagi mahasiswa yang belum cukup pemenuhan jam community servicenya, maka ada peluang yang menarik untuk melakukan community service dengan rincian sebagai berikut:
1. Kapan dan dimana?
Tanggal 29 Juli 2017, aka nada 2 sesi (sesi 1: jam 10.00-12.00, sesi 2: jam 13.00-15.00). Tempat di Lab Computing (kapasitas 10 orang), jika jumlah yang berminat banyak maka akan dipindah ruangannya.

2. Komunitas apa?
Indonesian Association for Computational Linguistics

3. Kegiatannya apa?
Membantu memberikan label jenis kata pada kalimat bahasa Indonesia dan membuat konvensi Treebank. Info detail bisa didownload pada http://inacl.id/…/index.…/pelabelan-corpus-bahasa-indonesia/ . 1 kalimat diperkiraan diselesaikan dalam waktu 5-10 menit tergantung dari kemampuan mahasiswa memahami struktur kalimat bahasa Indonesia.

4. Bagaimana perhitungan jumlah jam community servicenya?
Akan dihitung dari berapa jumlah kalimat yang dapat diselesaikan. Diharapkan mahasiswa mengerjakan setidaknya 15-20 kalimat.

5. Kalau jam community service masih kurang, boleh ikut 2 sesi tidak?
Tentu boleh, hanya perlu mendaftarkan diri terlebih dahulu (takut kapasitas computer kurang). Kemudian kalau memang masih butuh banyak jam untuk community servicenya, maka kegiatan ini juga bisa dilanjutkan di computer kalian masing-masing selama periode 29 Juli 2017-6 agustus 2017 dimana program hanya membutuhkan instalasi JRE.

Tertarik? Atau ada pertanyaan lebih lanjut? Silakan kontak/daftar ke Ibu Novita di nhanafiah@binus.edu .

Jangan lewatkan kesempatan ini, segera daftar diri Anda untuk melakukan community service ini agar jam community service segera terpenuhi dan tidak terkendala untuk sidang skripsi kalian.

Terima kasih.

Volunteers are needed in labeling the Kinds of Words in Indonesian Sentences and Making Treebank Conventions!!

“For students who have not sufficiently fulfilled their community service hours, there is an interesting opportunity to do community service with the following details:

  1. When and where?

On 29 July 2017, there will be 2 sessions (session 1: 10:00 to 12:00, session 2: 13: 00-15: 00). Place in the Computing Lab (capacity of 10 people), if there are many interested parties, the room will be moved.


  1. What community?

Indonesian Association for Computational Linguistics


  1. What are the activities?

Helps label word types in Indonesian sentences and makes Treebank conventions. Detailed information can be downloaded at http://inacl.id/…/index.…/pelabelan-corpus-ahasa-indonesia/. 1 sentence is estimated to be completed within 5-10 minutes depending on the ability of students to understand the structure of Indonesian sentences.


  1. How are the community service hours calculated?

Will be calculated from how many sentences that can be completed. It is expected that students work on at least 15-20 sentences.


  1. If the community service hours are still lacking, can I take 2 sessions?

Of course you can, just need to register yourself first (afraid of lacking computer capacity). Then if you still need a lot of hours for the community service, then this activity can also be continued on your computer each during the period July 29 2017-6 August 2017 where the program only requires the installation of JRE.


Interested? Or any further questions? Please contact / register with Ms. Novita at nhanafiah@binus.edu.


Do not miss this opportunity, immediately register yourself to do this community service so that community service hours are immediately met and not constrained for your thesis session.



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