Dear Teman-Teman Volunteer,


Berikut adalah list volunteer dan buku yang telah dikumpulkan (fisik + hasil scan) per tanggal 3 Juli 2017. Oleh karena itu, buku yang telah tertera tidak boleh dikumpulkan lagi oleh volunteer lainnya.

No NIM Nama Judul Buku Status
1 1701307325 Adiaksa Wisesa Ucil si Kancil Buku sudah okay!!
2 1701304670 Allicia Specialkidz Buku sudah okay!!
3 2001538055 Maria Teresa Priyantra Jelajah Matematika Buku sudah okay!!
4 2001597354 Farida Permatasari Legenda Cerita Rakyat Nusantara Buku sudah okay!!
5 2001540860 Joshua Douwes Dekker Buku sudah okay!!
6 1801380200 Venessa Indrawati Panduan Sosiologi SMA 3 Buku sudah okay!!
7 1901481264 Dylan Mauludi Armand 30 cerita tata krama Buku sudah okay!!
8 1901487192 Gustanto Steve Jobs Buku sudah okay!!
9 2001624355 Arlene Aurelia Indriani Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan untuk SMP dan MTs kelas IX Buku sudah okay!!
10 1701327485 Dwita Budilestari sosiologi SMA Buku sudah okay!!
11 1801404926 Muhammad Kevin Perdana be my best friend Buku sudah okay!!
12 1801427740 Handi Octavianus M. shock for the secret seven Buku sudah okay!!
13 1801394811 Felicia Pangestu smart princes Buku sudah okay!!
14 2001568386 Virginia Augustin cerdas berbahasa Buku sudah okay!!
15 1901462624 Paramitha funcional english IX Buku sudah okay!!
16 1701337965 Nyoman Rahina Putra sudirman Buku sudah okay!!
17 1801393922 Vincent Alfian buku matematika SMA Buku sudah okay!!
18 1801391886 Charles Tambunan tabel matematika SMP, SMA, Mahasiswa Umum Buku sudah okay!!
19 1901478622 haifa nanda shalihah matematika Buku sudah okay!!
20 1701361466 Amanda Talitha Muffid 20 cerita detektif Buku sudah okay!!
21 1701346553 Nikko Aldiano 20 cerita misteri Buku sudah okay!!
22 2001537393 Daniel Laoh advanced learning biology 2A Buku sudah okay!!
23 1801392705 Christian Elsandi Teja buku sejarah SMA Buku sudah okay!!
24 1801427886 Hilman Zakki Ramadhan IPA 3A Terpadu Buku sudah okay!!
25 1801375932 Junita selangkah lebih dekat dengan soekarno Buku sudah okay!!
26 1801435263 Nia Ifatifarihah IPA SD Buku sudah okay!!
27 1901484101 Bunny Marshella buku pribahasa dan buku cerita Buku sudah okay!!
28 1701307432 ABIRATUL AWDADY Terampil Berbahasa Buku sudah okay!!
29 1901485331 Alisha Jauzalia Cerita Rakyat Nusa Tenggara Buku sudah okay!!
30 1801381613 Alvindo Kumpulan cerita rakyat nusantara Buku sudah okay!!
31 1801432690 Andrian Pemburu di manchester biru Buku sudah okay!!
32 1701363704 Christian Raffles Pengantar Pariwisata 1 Buku sudah okay!!
33 1801373952 Dennis Samuel Kumpulan cerita fabel pembangunan karakter Buku sudah okay!!
34 1701311493 Destarani Bella Shabrina Titian Kemahiran Berbahasa, Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan Buku sudah okay!!
35 1901498012 Dwika nurachman aji laksono Fisika Buku sudah okay!!
36 1701327485 Dwita Budilestari Sosiologi SMA Buku sudah okay!!
37 1701297766 Elvin Indriyani Belajar mengarang sendiri bahasa inggris, Fakta unik lambang negara Buku sudah okay!!
38 1801436096 Eric Belajar Memahami Kewarganegaraan 1 Buku sudah okay!!
39 1801420021 Faschal 25 Dongeng anak favorit Buku sudah okay!!
40 1901500042 firmansyah Pendidikan agama islam Buku sudah okay!!
41 1801426025 Frally Gevanchy Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan Buku sudah okay!!
42 1801402795 Ivan Effendy Halim Yap Thiam Nien Buku sudah okay!!
43 1801381424 James Anthony Strategi kebut semalam kimia SMA Buku sudah okay!!
44 1701369292 Jelliyani Anjelina S Buku Pintar Sekolah Dasar Buku sudah okay!!
45 1701304885 Michael Anderson leonard Andy F. Noya: Kisah Hidupku Buku sudah okay!!
46 1901499923 Muhamad Adam Budiman Get Along with english Buku sudah okay!!
47 1801405456 Muhamad Hazelino Rizky Kartini, Buku sudah okay!!
48 1801380195 Muhammad Haris Arrahman Muhamad nabi segala zaman Buku sudah okay!!
49 1801406446 Muhammad Lutfi Arsil Seri Ketrampilan Proses Ipa Fisika Buku sudah okay!!
50 1901520126 Renaldy Prawirosoedarmo The story of robin hood Buku sudah okay!!
51 1801425666 Shafira Anjani Berhitung dan menguasai Tabel Matematika Buku sudah okay!!
52 1801397391 William English elevator international Buku sudah okay!!
53 1701316071 WINSON EVAN SURIADY Kumpulan dongeng binatang nusantara, Cari Tahu serba Ter Di dunia Buku sudah okay!!
54 1901478061 Nathannia Risny Perubahan di Alam Buku sudah okay!!
55 1701309293 Celsie Stefani Bola-Bola yang Tersesat Hasil scan buku tidak dapat diakses.
56 1701368522 Dimitrius Anna dan Elsa Hasil scan buku tidak dapat diakses.
57 1901456224 Dennis Andrean Intisari Biologi SMA Mohon direvisi. Hasil scan tidak jelas.
58 1901463394 Kenny Chandra The Three Musketeers Mohon direvisi. Wajib di scan per halaman.
59 1901457800 Jonathan The Sign of four Mohon direvisi. Wajib di scan per halaman.
60 1901466023 Yohanes Naldo The Queen of Spades Mohon direvisi. Wajib di scan per halaman.
61 1801449136 Thalia Dwiutami Serunya punya saudara Mohon direvisi. Wajib di scan per halaman.
62 1801374841 Muhammad Rizki Fadhil Sangkuriang Mohon direvisi. Wajib di scan per halaman.
63 1901456376 Jason Cerita Rakyat Cina Mohon direvisi. Wajib di scan per halaman.
64 1701362733 Irdianti ditia sema Pendidikan Pancasila Dan Kewarganegaraan Mohon direvisi. Wajib di scan per halaman.
65 1901458495 Widya Adiyatma why the earth Mohon direvisi. Wajib memiliki 80% tulisan. (tidak boleh komik)


NB: Pengumpulan hasil scan buku selanjutnya, mohon untuk dimasukan ke dalam flashdisk terlebih dahulu dan dibawa dengan buku fisiknya ke kantor TFI. Kami akan memindahkan hasil scan bukunya secara manual dan mengembalikan flashdisk kalian setelah selesai memindahkan. Terima kasih.


List of volunteers and books that have been collected as of July 3, 2017

Dear Volunteers,

The following is a list of volunteers and books that have been collected (physical + scan results) as of July 3, 2017. Therefore, books that have been listed may not be collected again by other volunteers

No NIM Name Title Book Status
1 1701307325 Adiaksa Wisesa Ucil the Mouse Deer The book is okay !!
2 1701304670 Allicia Specialkidz Books are okay !!
3 2001538055 Maria Teresa Priyantra Browse Maths Books okay !!
4 2001597354 Farida Permatasari Legend of the Archipelago Folklore Book is okay !!
5 2001540860 Joshua Douwes Dekker Books are okay !!
6 1801380200 Venessa Indrawati High School Sociology Guide 3 Books are okay !!
7 1901481264 Dylan Mauludi Armand 30 stories of etiquette The book is okay !!
8 1901487192 Gustanto Steve Jobs The book is okay !!
9 2001624355 Arlene Aurelia Indriani Citizenship Education for SMP and MTs grade IX Books are okay !!
10 1701327485 Dwita Budilestari high school sociology Book is okay !!
11 1801404926 Muhammad Kevin Perdana be my best friend The book is okay !!
12 1801427740 Handi Octavianus M. shock for the secret seven The book is okay !!
13 1801394811 Felicia Pangestu smart princes Book is okay !!
14 2001568386 Virginia Augustin is a smart language Book is okay !!
15 1901462624 Paramitha funcional english IX The book is okay !!
16 1701337965 Nyoman Rahina Putra sudirman Book is okay !!
17 1801393922 Vincent Alfian high school math book Book is okay !!
18 1801391886 Charles Tambunan Mathematics tables in middle, high school, general students Books are okay !!
19 1901478622 haifa nanda shalihah Mathematics Book is okay !!
20 1701361466 Amanda Talitha Muffid 20 detective stories The book is okay !!
21 1701346553 Nikko Aldiano 20 mystery stories The book is okay !!
22 2001537393 Daniel Laoh advanced learning biology 2A The book is okay !!
23 1801392705 Christian Elsandi Teja high school history books Books are okay !!
24 1801427886 Hilman Zakki Ramadhan IPA 3A Integrated Book is okay !!
25 1801375932 Junita is one step closer to Soekarno Books are okay !!
26 1801435263 Nia Ifatifarihah IPA SD Book already okay !!
27 1901484101 Bunny Marshella Books and language books Books are okay !!
28 1701307432 ABIRATUL AWDADY Skilled Language Books are okay !!
29 1901485331 Alisha Jauzalia Nusa Tenggara Folklore Books are okay !!
30 1801381613 Alvindo Collection of Indonesian folklore Books are okay !!
31 1801432690 Andrian Hunter in manchester blue Books are okay !!
32 1701363704 Christian Raffles Introduction to Tourism 1 Book is okay !!
33 1801373952 Dennis Samuel Collection of fable story building character Books are okay !!
34 1701311493 Destarani Bella Shabrina Titian Language Proficiency, Citizenship Education Books are okay !!
35 1901498012 Dwika nurachman aji laksono Physics Book is okay !!
36 1701327485 Dwita Budilestari High School Sociology Buku sudah okay!!
37 1701297766 Elvin Indriyani Learn to compose your own English, Unique facts of the country’s symbols Book is okay !!
38 1801436096 Eric Learning to Understand Citizenship 1 Books are okay !!
39 1801420021 Faschal 25 Favorite children’s fairy tale Book already okay !!
40 1901500042 firmansyah Islamic religious education Books are okay !!
41 1801426025 Frally Gevanchy Citizenship Education Book is okay !!
42 1801402795 Ivan Effendy Halim Yap Thiam Nien Book is okay !!
43 1801381424 James Anthony High school chemistry overnight speeding strategy Books are okay !!
44 1701369292 Jelliyani Anjelina S Smart Book Elementary School Book is okay !!
45 1701304885 Michael Anderson leonard Andy F. Noya: The Story of My Life The book is okay !!
46 1901499923 Muhamad Adam Budiman Get Along with english The book is okay !!
47 1801405456 Muhamad Hazelino Rizky Kartini, Book is okay !!
48 1801380195 Muhammad Haris Arrahman Muhammad the prophet of all ages The book is okay !!
49 1801406446 Muhammad Lutfi Arsil Series of Skills Process of Science Physics The book is okay !!
50 1901520126 Renaldy Prawirosoedarmo The story of robin hood Books are okay !!
51 1801425666 Shafira Anjani Counting and mastering Mathematics Tables Books are okay !!
52 1801397391 William English elevator international The book is okay !!
53 1701316071 WINSON EVAN SURIADY Collection of fairy tales of the archipelago, Find out all in the world The book is okay !!
54 1901478061 Nathannia Risny Changes in the Nature The book is okay !!
55 1701309293 Celsie Stefani The Lost Balls Book scans are inaccessible.
56 1701368522 Dimitrius Anna and Elsa Book scans are inaccessible.
57 1901456224 Dennis Andrean High School Biology Digest Please revise. The scan results are not clear.
58 1901463394 Kenny Chandra The Three Musketeers Please revise. Must be scanned per page.
59 1901457800 Jonathan The Sign of four Please revise. Must be scanned per page.
60 1901466023 Yohanes Naldo The Queen of Spades Please revise. Must be scanned per page.
61 1801449136 Thalia Dwiutami It’s fun to have relatives Please revise. Must be scanned per page.
62 1801374841 Muhammad Rizki Fadhil Sangkuriang Please revise. Must be scanned per page.
63 1901456376 Jason Chinese Folklore Please revise. Must be scanned per page.
64 1701362733 Irdianti ditia sema Education Pancasila And Citizenship Please revise. Must be scanned per page.
65 1901458495 Widya Adiyatma why the earth Please revise. Must have 80% of writing. (no comics allowed)


NB: Collecting the results of the next book scan, please put it into the flashdisk first and bring it with the physical book to the TFI office. We will move the scan results manually and restore your flashdisk after finishing the move. Thanks.


You want him to have a feeling that you are IIA IIA-CFSA Cert Exam not easy to deal with. The next day, there IIA-CFSA Cert Exam Certified Financial Services Auditor was a message in the newspapers in the city Yesterday, when a girl in the village IIA IIA-CFSA Cert Exam of Luoxia in the suburbs dug a tree on the ridge of the middle section of Anliugang, she accidentally discovered that the ridge had a female body and A IIA IIA-CFSA Cert Exam lot of sheep bones, IIA IIA-CFSA Cert Exam beef bones and pottery, according to the preliminary judgment of the cultural relics department, these are things in the Eastern Han Dynasty, which is of great research value. Have an understanding IIA-CFSA Cert Exam of the situation of the factory. Give your grandmother down and make an oath Swear The biggest granddaughter, the eldest daughter of Chengyin, Xiao Xiao asked. Then someone wants to clink a cup, Certified Government Auditing Professional IIA-CFSA and Changsheng will come over to drink on behalf of Ning, and some people in the seat will say Look, it s distressed It s also blushing, and I don t dare to insist on replacing Ning Hao s clink.

Suddenly, all of the teahouses looked out the door.Tseng Kuo fan is surprised, see a tall young man walked in slowly. Su Shun see some arbitrary face that stool, sidewalk Our Lord has not done such a thing, not a letter but Lord, is not the Certified Government Auditing Professional IIA-CFSA bottom of my heart Somewhat unhappy, said To see other Lord, IIA IIA-CFSA Cert Exam I am afraid there is almost one hundred and two silver RBI, to see Master Wen IIA-CFSA Cert Exam Ye, less two hundred two silver, Lord is powerless. Lin Certified Financial Services Auditor book said IIA IIA-CFSA Cert Exam Kwan Yah, not the father will not let you filial piety, father also know that my grandmother hurts IIA IIA-CFSA Cert Exam IIA IIA-CFSA Cert Exam IIA-CFSA Cert Exam you, it is your body is not allowed to die.

I brought Certified Government Auditing Professional IIA-CFSA the first aid kit. Not this IIA IIA-CFSA Cert Exam emergency, he said. We then sat IIA-CFSA Cert Exam for another 5 IIA IIA-CFSA Cert Exam minutes. Later, the cloth pocket was sewn by himself and blue. He returned the resume to IIA IIA-CFSA Cert Exam me. On the way out, I IIA IIA-CFSA Cert Exam tore a smash, thinking Certified Financial Services Auditor that IIA-CFSA Cert Exam this interview was messed up.