Ditujukan kepada mahasiswa yang mengambil matakuliah CB (Character Building) di Semester ini Genap 2016/2017
Ditujukan kepada mahasiswa yang mengambil matakuliah CB (Character Building) di Semester ini Genap 2016/2017, bahwa untuk menuliskan laporan kegiatan luar kelasnya perlu dibuat dalam Blog kelompok (1 kelompok 1 Blog) kemudian agar Pihak TFI bisa membaca blognya maka, setiap Ketua kelompok wajib mendaftarkan lnk alamat blognya sbb :
CB Pancasila
CB Agama
CB Kewarganegaraan
dan Pendaftaran lni alamat blog paling lambat di pertemuan ke 10 jika ada pertanyaan lebih lanjut bisa menghubungi tangkas@binus.edu. Demikian pengumuman ini kami sampaikan, atas perhatiannya kami ucapkan terima kasih
To All students who are taking the CB (Character Building) course in this Semester 2016/2017
To all students who are taking the CB (Character Building) course in this semester even 2016/2017, that to write a report on activities outside the classroom needs to be made in a group blog (1 group 1 blog) then so that the TFI can read their blog, each group leader must register the following blog address:
CB Pancasila
CB Religion
CB Citizenship
Registration is on blog no later than the 10th meeting if you have further questions, please contact tangkas@binus.edu. Thus we submit this announcement, for your attention, thank you
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