Ditujukan kepada mahasiswa yang mengambil matakuliah CB (Character Building) di Semester ini Genap 2016/2017, bahwa untuk menuliskan laporan  kegiatan luar kelasnya perlu dibuat dalam Blog kelompok (1 kelompok 1 Blog)  kemudian agar Pihak TFI bisa membaca blognya maka, setiap Ketua kelompok wajib mendaftarkan lnk alamat blognya sbb :


CB Pancasila


CB Agama


CB Kewarganegaraan


dan Pendaftaran lni alamat blog paling lambat di pertemuan ke 10 jika ada pertanyaan lebih lanjut bisa menghubungi Demikian pengumuman ini kami sampaikan, atas perhatiannya kami ucapkan terima kasih


To All students who are taking the CB (Character Building) course in this Semester 2016/2017


To all students who are taking the CB (Character Building) course in this semester even 2016/2017, that to write a report on activities outside the classroom needs to be made in a group blog (1 group 1 blog) then so that the TFI can read their blog, each group leader must register the following blog address:

CB Pancasila


CB Religion


CB Citizenship

Registration is on blog no later than the 10th meeting if you have further questions, please contact Thus we submit this announcement, for your attention, thank you

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