Dicari volunteer untuk membantu dalam kegiatan penanaman Mangrove!!
Nama dan Tema Kegiatan
Nama Kegiatan : “MANgrove Untuk IndoneSIA (MANUSIA)”.
Tema Kegiatan : “Together We Can Change Indonesia”.
Jadwal dan Lokasi Kegiatan
Hari/ Tanggal : Senin, 28 November 2016.
Jam : 06.30 – 12.00 WIB. (volunteer kumpul jam 6 pagi di admisi kampus anggrek)
Tempat : Sekolah Tinggi Perikanan (Kampus Pantai – Serang)
Jl. Samudra Raya, Karang Antu, Desa Banten Lama, Kecamatan Kasemen, Kotamadya Serang – Banten.
Peserta akan mendapatkan:
1. Transportasi dari binus menuju lokasi penanaman (pulang pergi).
2. Snack dan makan siang.
3. Bibit mangrove untuk menanam.
4. 3 jam comserv (Jika mengikuti kegiatan secara penuh dan koperatif).
Untuk mendaftar silahkan mengklik link: http://bit.ly/2eVlnTG
Untuk informasi lebih lanjut dapat menghubungi: isantoso@binus.edu (Irvan Santoso)
Salam Komunitas ^^.
Note: sebagai informasi tambahan, jumlah peserta yang kami undang sangatlah terbatas. Sehingga kami akan mengkonfirmasi kehadiran teman-teman melalui email.
Looking for volunteers in Mangrove planting activities!!
Looking for volunteers to help in planting Mangrove activities !!
Name and Theme of Activity
Name of Activity: “MANgrove for Indonesia”.
Theme of Activity: “Together We Can Change Indonesia”.
Schedule and Location of Activities
Day / Date: Monday, November 28, 2016.
Hours: 6:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. WIB (volunteers gather at 6 am at the orchid campus admission)
Venue: Fisheries High School (Beach Campus – Serang)
Jl. Samudra Raya, Karang Antu, Banten Lama Village, Kasemen District, Serang Municipality – Banten.
Participants will get:
- Transportation from Binus to the planting location (round trip).
- Snack and lunch.
- Mangrove seeds for planting.
- 3 hours comserv (if participating in activities fully and cooperatively).
To register please click on the link: http://bit.ly/2eVlnTG
For further information, please contact: isantoso@binus.edu (Irvan Santoso)
Greetings Community ^^.
Note: as additional information, the number of participants we invite is very limited. So we will confirm the presence of friends by email.
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