Lomba Hackathon untuk BINUSIAN (mendapatkan jam comserv!!)
Dibuka pendaftaran lomba Hackathon!!
Detail dapat dilihat di: http://www.forthegoals.com/
1. Mendapatkan Community Service hours maksimal 10 jam.
2. Mendapatkan pendampingan pengembangan proposal dari United Nations Development Programme (UNDP Indonesia).
3. Mendapatkan pendanaan untuk merealisasikan proposal.
4. Mendapatkan sertifikat dari UNDP.
1. Mahasiswa BINUS University aktif.
2. Maksimal 5 orang dalam satu kelompok.
3. Apabila lolos seleksi, peserta harus memiliki komitmen untuk menyelesaikan solusi yang diusulkan.
4. Lama pengerjaan proyek adalah 3 bulan.
Jika berminat dapat langsung mendaftar di: http://www.forthegoals.com/pendaftaran/ atau langsung mendownload proposal di: bit.ly/proposalhackathon
Untuk pertanyaan/ informasi lebih lanjut dapat mengirimkan email ke: contact@forthegoals.com dengan subject: PERTANYAAN_HACKATHON_BINUS_UNDP_2016
Hackathon Competition for BINUSIAN (Get community service hours!!)
Open registration for the Hackathon contest !!
Details can be seen at: http://www.forthegoals.com/
The advantage:
- Get Community Service hours up to 10 hours.
- Getting assistance in developing proposals from the United Nations Development Program (UNDP Indonesia).
- Get funding to realize the proposal.
- Obtain a certificate from UNDP.
- BINUS University students are active.
- A maximum of 5 people in one group.
- If passing the selection, participants must have a commitment to complete the proposed solution.
- The project work time is 3 months.
If you are interested, you can directly register at: http://www.forthegoals.com/ registration / or directly download the proposal at: bit.ly/proposalhackathon
For questions / further information, please send an email to: contact@forthegoals.com with subject: QUESTION_HACKATHON_BINUS_UNDP_2016
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