Hobi membuat video? Atau ingin menyalurkan bakat dalam bidang akting tapi masih bingung?
Yuk, ikuti lomba film pendek dari Teach For indonesia!
Dalam memperingati hari kesaktian pancasila 1 Oktober 2016, hari sumpah pemuda 28 Oktober 2016 dan hari pahlawan 10 November 2016, TFI mengadakan short movie competition dengan tema “Bangkitlah!!! Wahai Generasi Muda.”
Ada hadiah jutaan rupiah untuk para pemenang juga lho!!
Jadi, tunggu apa lagi???
Daftarkan diri kamu sekarang juga, sebelum terlambat.
*Hanya untuk pelajar SMA dan sederajat ya!*
Salam Komunitas.
Short Movie Competition “Rise Up!! O young generation”
Hobby making videos? Or want to channel talent in the field of acting but still confused?
Come on, follow the short film contest from Teach For Indonesia!
In commemoration of Pancasila day, October 1, 2016, Youth Oath Day, October 28, 2016 and Heroes’ Day, November 10, 2016, TFI held a short movie competition with the theme “Rise Up !!! O young generation. ”
There are millions of rupiah prizes for the winners too you know!!
So what are you waiting for???
Register yourself now, before it’s too late.
* Only for high school students and equivalent! *
Greetings Community.
Cisco 500-452 Exam Demo
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Be careful outside Core and WAN Systems Engineer, Enterprise Networks Architecture Systems Engineer 500-452 someone hears All the sounds on the dinner table, including the air, Cisco 500-452 Exam Demo are still at this moment 500-452 Exam Demo like a sudden stop Cisco 500-452 Exam Demo 500-452 Exam Demo machine. It was not until the beginning of the world and the prosperous stunned him that he slowly said I Cisco 500-452 Exam Demo have two dissatisfaction. Yes, confidence I thought that since mainland China has opened its doors to the world, China s business community, including the Cisco 500-452 Exam Demo mains of satin weaving factories, will understand from the world market requirements on quality that they must also pay attention to product quality. Ning Yu worried that the driver was too Enterprise Networks Core and WAN tired to immediately agree.
I was vaguely aware of what bungee jumping, but carefully read the dog high school team we came to understand, that is, let us jump from here And only one elastic 500-452 Exam Demo band on the leg. I will not stay, then tired and tired I can Core and WAN Systems Engineer, Enterprise Networks Architecture Systems Engineer 500-452 not stay.A little bit, the beginning is low handed crawling hands and feet. Hurricane along the way to tear my face feeling, red light straight through the picture along the way, the curiosity of the public along the way, picket brother quietly along the way Cisco 500-452 Exam Demo demeanor, as well as traffic jam along the way we washed the sidewalk sidewalk The 500-452 Exam Demo towering skyscrapers in my ears, like a long absence of spring water, infiltrated Cisco 500-452 Exam Demo Enterprise Networks Core and WAN the heart of a dry, yellow river beach that I had dried up.
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