Berikut ini adalah laporan dan dokumentasi mengenai penyerahan sumbangan terhadap korban kebakaran di wilayah Jembatan Besi, Jl. Jembatan Besi 2 RT 03, 04, 06, RW 04, Kel. Jembatan Besi, Kec. Tambora, Jakarta Barat yang menghabiskan ± 111 rumah terbakar, ± 300 KK, dan ± 700 lebih warga kehilangan tempat tinggal.
Berikut barang-barang yang di sumbangkan antara lain :
1. Air Mineral 10 dus
2. Paket Buku Tulis 3 dus
3. Mie Instan 3 karung (1 karung berisi 100 paket, 1paket berisi 5 mie instan)
4. Pakaian Layak Pakai 3 karung
5. Susu 47 kaleng
Terima kasih kepada seluruh pihak, semoga apa yang diberikan dapat membantu dan bermanfaat bagi saudara-saudara kita disana.
Salam Komunitas
Donations for Fire Victims
The following are reports and documentation regarding the delivery of donations to fire victims in Jembatan Besi area, Jl. Jembatan Besi 2 RT 03, 04, 06, RW 04, Ex. Jembatan Besi, Kec. Tambora, West Jakarta, which consumed ± 111 houses on fire, ± 300 families, and ± 700 more residents were left homeless.
The following items were donated including:
- Mineral water 10 boxes
- Notebook Package 3 boxes
- Instant Noodles 3 sacks (1 sack contains 100 packages, 1 package contains 5 instant noodles)
- Decent clothing to use 3 sacks
- 47 cans of milk
Thank you to all parties, hopefully what is given can help and be useful for our brothers and sisters there.
Greetings Community
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