Jakarta, 16 September 2015 – Tanggal 12 & 14 September 2015, Volunteer TFI mendukung kegiatan donor darah yang diadakan di Mall @ Alam Sutera dan bekerjasama dengan komunitas / Perusahaan lainnya. Sekitar 30 Volunteer turun langsung ke lapangan untuk membantu, dan terkumpul kurang lebih 600 kantong darah. (Akumulasi selama 2 hari)

Terima kasih bagi rekan-rekan yang sudah mendonorkan darahnya.

Kita akan bertemu lagi di kegiatan donor darah pada tanggal 12 & 14 Desember 2015.

Salam Komunitas.


TFI Supports Blood Donation Activities

On 12 & 14 September 2015, Volunteer TFI supported blood donor activities which were held at Mall @ Alam Sutera and in collaboration with other communities / companies. Around 30 volunteers went straight to the field to help, and around 600 blood bags were collected. (Accumulated for 2 days)

Thank you to colleagues who have donated blood.

We will meet again at the blood donor activity on December 12 & 14, 2015.


Greetings Community.

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