Petunjuk CB
Step by Step
1. Baca dan mengerti pdf berikut,
silahkan download di (your session has expired)2. Berikut adalah penempatan tiap project
BIMBEL :(your session has expired)
PAUD : (your session has expired)
BIOPORI :(your session has expired)
BUANG SAMPAH : (your session has expired)
berikut surat ijin dari kelurahan u/yang buang sampah (your session has expired)
ALSUT (untuk teman-teman di Alsut) :(your session has expired)
contoh surat permohonan untuk PAUD dan BIOPORI >> (your session has expired)
3. Silahkan mengisi form sesuai kategori projectnya.
mohon mengisi form jika data sudah lengkap. Link form ada di dalam PDF no.1
selamat bekerja!
CB Instructions
Step by Step
1. Read and understand the following pdf,
please download at (your session has expired)
2. Following is the placement of each project
BIMBEL: (your session has expired)
PAUD: (your session has expired)
BIOPORY: (your session has expired)
WASTE TRASH: (your session has expired)
The following is a permit letter from the kelurahan / those who throw garbage (your session has expired)
ALSUT (for friends at Alsut): (your session has expired)
sample application for PAUD and BIOPORI >> (your session has expired)
3. Please fill in the form according to the project category.
please fill out the form if the data is complete. The link form is in PDF no.1
happy working!
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