Program Astra
Bentuk kerja sama ditahun kedua antara TFI, pundi amal SCTV, dan Yayasan Bakti Astra memberikan kesempatan pada anak putus sekolah. Di umur 18-30 th mendapatakan pendidikan perbengkelan selama 3 bulan, melalui proses pendaftaran seleksi tes psikologi, interview dan dari magang kerja itu sendiri. Lulusan-lulusan ini diharapkan seperti angktan pertaman yaitu bekerja langsung di perbengkelan, bahkan 3 terbaik mendapat modal untuk buka usaha.
Astra Program
The form of cooperation in the second year between TFI, the SCTV charity, and the Bakti Astra Foundation provides opportunities for school dropouts. At the age of 18-30 years, they will receive workshop education for 3 months, through the registration process for selection of psychological tests, interviews and from the internship itself. These graduates are expected to be like the first public transportation that works directly in the workshop, even the best 3 get capital to open a business.
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