Kampanye Buang Sampah pada Tempatnya
TFI kembali berkampanye “Yuk Buang Sampah Pada Tempatnya”, pada kesempatan ini dilakukan di Bundaran HI saat car free day, meskipun H-1 hujan deras, namun tidak mengurungkan teman-teman volunteer untuk datang. suasana sangat ramai dan bersemangat,
teman-teman volunteer berjalan dari Sarinah lalu ke bundaran HI sambil memungut sampah dan membagikan pin buang sampah kepada masyarakat.
Semoga ditengah hujan yang masih sering mengguyur , justru dapat membuat masyarakat menyadari bahwa membuang sampah sembarangan adalah salah satu penyebab banjir.
klik disini untuk foto-foto kampanye di Bundaran HI
Dispose of Trash Campaign in its Place
TFI again campaigned “Let’s Throw Trash In Its Place”, on this occasion it was conducted at the HI Roundabout when car free day, even though the H-1 was raining heavily, but did not discourage volunteer friends to come. the atmosphere is very lively and vibrant,
volunteer friends walked from Sarinah then to the HI roundabout while picking up trash and distributing trash pins to the community.
Hopefully in the middle of the rain that still often flushes, it can make people realize that littering is one of the causes of flooding.
click here for campaign photos on the HI Roundabout
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