Social Awareness Kegiatan Wajib Bagi Binusian 2017
Dear BINUSIAN 2017,
Dalam Rangka kegiatan FEP BINUSIAN 2017 – Materi Social Awareness, BINUSIAN 2017 diharapkan untuk wajib berkontribusi dalam 2 kegiatan :
A. Charity For Humanity, Garage Sale Teach For Indonesia ( TFI ).
B. Volunteer
A. Charity For Humanity, Garage Sale Teach For Indonesia ( TFI )
Kalian diharapkan membawa barang untuk disumbangkan. Barang dapat berupa Sembako dan atau Barang layak pakai
a. Sembako (wajib)
Untuk Sembako dapat dipilih salah satu di bawah ini :
– Mentega saset 1 + indomie 5
– Kecap refile 1 + indomie 5
– Susu Kental Manis 1 Kaleng
– Minyak Goreng (refill) 1 lt
– Gula 1kg
b. Barang masih layak pakai (tidak wajib) antara lain adalah:
– Pakaian Kaos / Kemeja
– Celana Jeans Panjang / Pendek
– Tas
– Handphone
– Komputer
– Tv dll.
Barang – barang tersebut dapat dikumpulkan pada tanggal 21 – 26 Oktober di Food Court Anggrek dan 28 Okt – 2 nov di R. 315 pada jam 09.00 – 17.00
B. Volunteer (Kegiatan sudah ditentukan namun dapat memilih waktu)
1. Menjadi Volunteer untuk Bersih Lingkungan, kumpul di kampus syahdan tanggal 27 Oktober 2013 jam 06.30
2. Menjadi Volunteer dalam Acara Garage Sale
Silahkan daftar di Binusmaya dibagian Services > Student > Lecture > Binus Festivals of Innovation and Enterprise Week
Kegiatan ini juga tidak tertutup untuk BINUSIAN non 2017. Siapapun dapat mendukung Garage Sale ini dengan memberikan donasi.
Social Awareness Mandatory Activities for Binusian 2017
Dear BINUSIAN 2017,
In the framework of BINUSIAN 2017 FEP activities – Social Awareness Materials, BINUSIAN 2017 is expected to be obliged to contribute in 2 activities:
- Charity for Humanity, Garage Sale Teach for Indonesia (TFI).
- Volunteer
- Charity for Humanity, Garage Sale Teach for Indonesia (TFI)
You are expected to bring items to donate. Goods can be in the form of basic food items and or goods suitable for use
- Groceries (required)
You can choose one of the following items:
– Butter saset 1 + indomie 5
– Soy sauce refill 1 + indomie 5
– 1 can of sweetened condensed milk
– Cooking oil (refill) 1 lt
– 1kg sugar
- Goods that are still suitable for use (not required) include:
– T-Shirt / Shirt
– Long / Short Jeans
– bag
– Mobile
– computer
– TV etc.
These items can be collected on October 21-26 at the Anggrek Food Court and 28 Oct – 2 nov at R. 315 at 09.00 – 17.00
- Volunteer (Activity has been determined but can choose the time)
- Become a Volunteer to Clean the Environment, gather at the Syahdan campus on October 27, 2013 at 06.30
- Become a Volunteer in a Garage Sale Event
Please register at Binusmaya in the Services> Student> Lecture> Binus Festival of Innovation and Enterprise Week
This activity is also not closed to BINUSIAN non 2017. Anyone can support this Garage Sale by making a donation.
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