Binus Culture Day : Sharing Culture
Dear All Volunteer TFI
Teach For Indonesia mengadakan sharing culture bersama volunteer dari berbagai negara yang bergabung bersama TFI.
Acara akan diadakan pada Hari Rabu, 23 Oktober 2013 di Hall Lantai 8 – Binus Anggrek, jam 15.00 – selesai
Sharing culture ini akan di ikuti oleh volunteer dan adik-adik BIMBEL TFI.
Bagi teman – teman volunteer yang tertarik untuk menghadiri acara sharing culture, dapat menghubungi : Ian di 088808734405 atau email ke /, terbatas hanya 50 – 70 orang.
Please donate min Rp 10.000 to this activity.
Ditunggu kehadirannya..
Binus Culture Day: Sharing Culture
Dear All Volunteer TFI
Teach For Indonesia held a sharing culture with volunteers from various countries joining TFI.
The event will be held on Wednesday, 23 October 2013 in Hall 8th Floor – Binus Anggrek, at 3:00 p.m. – finished
This sharing culture will be followed by volunteers and younger siblings of BIMBEL TFI.
For volunteer friends who are interested in attending the sharing culture event, you can contact: Ian at 088808734405 or email to /, limited to only 50 – 70 people.
Please donate Rp 10,000 to this activity.
Awaited his presence ..
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