Photo Competition 2013
Ketentuan Pengiriman:
- Peserta wajib follow Twitter@volunteertfi & Like Facebook fan page
- Peserta mengisi Formulir Pendaftaran di:
- Pendaftaran bisa dilakukan langsung ke: Sekretariat TFI Jl. KH Syahdan No. 9,Palmerah, Jakarta Barat 11480, Indonesia.
- Pendaftaran sebesar Rp25.000,-
- Pendaftaran dapat di transfer ke:rekening TFI BCA 5270274899 a/n Universitas BinaNusantara. Setelah pembayaran lakukan konfirmasi pembayaran ke
- Karya beserta kartu identitas, bukti pembayaran, dan deskripsi foto dikirim ke :
Softcopy :
Berupa CD : langsung dikirim ke Sekretariat TFIJl. KH Syahdan No. 9, Palmerah, Jakarta Barat 11480, Indonesia denganmenghubungi CP terlebih dahulu.
- Tanggal Pengumpulan Karya: 1 Juni 2013 – 19 Juli2013
- Penjurian:22 – 24 Juli 2013
- Pemenangakan diumumkan di Awarding and Talk Show pada 24 Agustus 2013 di FX plaza,Sudirman dan website TFI ( Pemenang juga akan dihubungi oleh Teach For Indonesia.
Syarat Peserta:
- Terbuka untuk umum
- Tema lomba: “Kondisi Jakarta Saat ini.”
- Peserta menggunakan kamera digital (DSLR)
- Kamera tidak dibatasi jenis atau merek.
- Satu kali pendaftaran berlaku hanya untuk 2 (dua) foto
- Hak cipta melekat pada fotografer, namun panitia berhak mempublikasikan semua foto yang masuk tanpa harus izin dari pemiliknya
- Bersedia untuk dipamerkan selama acara talkshow, seminar, dan pameran foto TFI berlangsung
Kriteria Foto:
- Objek Photo merupakan wilayah Jakarta yang penuh dengan sampah.
- Setiap foto yang dilombakan disertai judul, lokasi pengambilan gambar dan deskripsi
- Foto merupakan milikpribadi, orisinil, belum pernah diikutkan lomba lain
- Resolusi foto minimal 600×800, image size minimal 3MB dan maksimal 10MB* dengan resolusi 300dpi.
- Diperkenankan editing(hanya sebatas cropping) dam TIDAKmengubah keaslian foto
- Pameran fotodilaksanakan bersamaan dengan grand final lomba foto pada tanggal 24 Agustus 2013, atrium @FX mall , Jakarta
Photo Competition 2013
Shipping Terms:
- Participants are obliged to follow Twitter @ volunteertfi & Like Facebook fan pagehttp: // Trash in the Place
- Participants fill out the Registration Form at:
- Registration can be done directly to: TFI Secretariat Jl. KH Syahdan No. 9, Palmerah, West Jakarta 11480, Indonesia.
- Registration is IDR 25,000
- Registration can be transferred to: TFI BCA account 5270274899 a / n BinaNusantara University. After payment, confirm payment to email:
- The work along with the identity card, proof of payment, and photo description are sent to:
In the form of a CD: directly sent to the TFIJl Secretariat. KH Syahdan No. 9, Palmerah, West Jakarta 11480, Indonesia by contacting CP first.
- Date of Collected Works: June 1, 2013 – July 19, 2013
- Judging: July 22-24, 2013
- Winners will be announced at the Awarding and Talk Show on August 24, 2013 at FX Plaza, Sudirman and TFI’s website ( Winners will also be contacted by Teach For Indonesia.
Participant Requirements:
- Open to the public
- The theme of the race: “The Current Condition of Jakarta.”
- Participants use digital cameras (DSLRs)
- The camera is not limited to type or brand.
- One registration is valid for only 2 (two) photos
- Copyright is attached to the photographer, but the committee has the right to publish all photos that enter without having permission from the owner
- Willing to be exhibited during talk shows, seminars and TFI photo exhibitions
Photo Criteria:
- Object Photo is a Jakarta area full of garbage.
- Each photo that is contested includes a title, location for shooting and a description
- The photos are private, original, no other competition has yet been included
- Minimum photo resolution of 600 × 800, image size of at least 3MB and a maximum of 10MB * with a resolution of 300dpi.
- Editing is allowed (only limited to cropping) and does NOT change the authenticity of the photo
The photo exhibition was held in conjunction with the grand final of the photo contest on August 24, 2013, atrium @FX mall, Jakarta
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