Pelatihan Basic Mentality Mekanik Sepeda Motor, Jakarta (6-7/5/2013)
“Sebuah program kepedulian biasanya hanya sekedar donasi sesaat, yang mungkin timbul dari rasa simpati seseorang. Namun, jauh dari itu sebuah program kepedulian hendaknya dapat dilakukan secara bersama-sama untuk memberikan kesempatan kepada seseorang bersama komunitasnya agar dapat memperbaiki kualitas hidupnya. Untuk itulah sangat dibutuhkan komitmen dan program yang terjadwal serta berkelanjutan sampai di titik tertentu mereka sudah harus bisa mandiri.”
Program Pelatihan Mekanik Motor yang merupakan program kerjasama antara Yayasan Dharma Bakti ASTRA dengan Pundi Amal SCTV, dan Pundi Amal SCTV dengan Teach For Indonesia ini adalah sebuah program pemberdayaan masyarakat dimana pemuda-pemuda putus sekolah ataupun lulusan SMA/SMK yang masih belum mendapat pekerjaan diberi Pelatihan Mekanik Motor.
Dari Program ini diharapkan lulusan dari Pelatihan ini memiliki bekal ketrampilan untuk bisa terjun berwiraswasta di masyarakat.
Para peserta Pelatihan pertama-tama harus melalui psikotes dan seleksi wawancara yang dilakukan oleh tim Departemen Psikologi BINUS University. Setelah itu para peserta juga mendapat pembekalan Perilaku dan Budaya Kerja oleh tim yang sama.
Selain itu, para peserta juga mendapat pembekalan Basic Mentality dan Ketrampilan Teknis selama kurang lebih 3 bulan di Bengkel ASTRA Honda Motor.
Setelahnya nanti peserta akan mendapatkan sertifikat dari ASTRA disamping bagi 3 lulusan terbaik akan mendapatkan peralatan untuk membuka bengkel sendiri dan mulai terjun berwiraswasta di masyarakat.
“My aim is to achieve sustainable change, not just make a cute little makeover.”
(Jamie Oliver)
Basic training of Mentality for Motorcycle Mechanic, Jakarta (6-7 / 5/2013)
“A caring program is usually just a momentary donation, which may arise from a person’s sympathy. However, far from that a caring program should be done together to provide an opportunity for someone with their community to improve their quality of life. For this reason, commitment and programs that are scheduled and ongoing are needed to a certain extent, they must be able to be independent.
The Motor Mechanic Training Program which is a collaboration program between the Dharma Bakti ASTRA Foundation and SCTV Charity Funds, and SCTV Charity Funds with Teach For Indonesia is a community empowerment program where young people dropping out of school or high school / vocational high school graduates who have not yet found work are given training Motor Mechanics.
From this program it is hoped that graduates from this training will have the skills to become entrepreneurs in the community.
The trainees must first go through a psychological test and interview selection conducted by the BINUS University Department of Psychology team. After that the participants also received a briefing on Work Behavior and Culture by the same team.
In addition, the participants also received Basic Mentality and Technical Skills briefing for approximately 3 months at ASTRA Honda Motor Workshop.
Afterwards, participants will get a certificate from ASTRA, in addition to the 3 best graduates, they will get equipment to open their own workshops and start entrepreneurship in the community.
“My aim is to achieve sustainable change, not just make a cute little makeover.”
(Jamie Oliver)
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