Tony Buzan and the Mind Map Tree Planting Project
Kehadiran bapak “Mind Mapping” Tony Buzan di Binus University, Rabu (21/9), menyedot perhatian banyak BINUSIAN. Ratusan orang menunggu di Admission Lobby BINUS UNIVERSITY untuk melihat sekilas penemu konsep Mind Map.
Tony Buzan mendapat sambutan hangat dari CEO BINA NUSANTARA Ir. Bernard Gunawan, Rektor BINUS UNIVERSITY Prof. Dr. Ir. Harjanto Prabowo, MM, Direktur Manajemen Strategis Stephen Wahyudi Santoso, BSE, M.SIST, wakil rektor dan pejabat BINUS UNIVERSITY.
Sebelum berbagi ilmu mengenai tema Sukses Otak vs Teknologi Memasuki Zaman Kecerdasan, Tony Buzan, CEO BINUS, Rektor BINUS UNIVERSITY dan perwakilan dosen dan mahasiswa menanam 10 pohon di halaman BINUS UNIVERSITY.
“Merupakan suatu kehormatan memiliki Tony Buzan di sini dan dia memilih BINUS UNIVERSITY untuk mengkampanyekan Proyek Penanaman Pohon Peta Pikiran. Ia mencetuskan konsep program, dengan menghubungkan cara berpikir kita dengan alam, dan mengimplementasikannya dengan menunjukkan kepedulian kita terhadap lingkungan, ”kata Maria Intan Setiadi, Community Development Center Manager BINUS UNIVERSITY.
Kunjungan Buzan ini merupakan bagian dari sosialisasi gerakan Mental Literacy, dengan topik utama Global Mental Literacy & Making it Work in Indonesia. Sementara itu rangkaian acara di BINUS UNIVERSITY antara lain The Mind Map Tree Planting Project dan Evening Talk bertema Brain vs Technology Berhasil Memasuki Zaman Kecerdasan.
Dalam setiap kunjungannya, Buzan selalu mengadakan gerakan menanam pohon. Ia menganggap pohon sebagai objek alam yang merepresentasikan pikiran manusia. Peta Pikiran dan pohonnya hampir sama karena sama-sama memiliki cabang dan ranting.
Mind Map juga dianggap dapat mengurangi penggunaan kertas untuk bekerja dan memaksimalkan pikiran. Oleh karena itu, penggunaan metode Mind Map merupakan salah satu upaya untuk menjaga kelestarian lingkungan khususnya pepohonan. Dengan menggunakan metode tersebut, masyarakat berkontribusi pada konservasi.
TFI Menerapkan Mind Map
Peta Pikiran saat ini didorong oleh banyak orang, untuk membantu orang dalam proses belajar mereka. Dalam Mind Map kita diajarkan bagaimana membuat dan menghubungkan berbagai kata dan kalimat dengan menggunakan pemetaan yang ditulis di selembar kertas, serta menggunakan warna yang berbeda untuk membedakan dan mengkategorikan peta pikiran kita.
Sejalan dengan program Mind Map, BINUS Teach For Indonesia (TFI) bekerjasama dengan Program Psikologi BINUS UNIVERSITY untuk memperkenalkan metode Mind Map. Mereka menyelenggarakan program gratis untuk 30 Sekolah Dasar yang berada di sekitar BINUS UNIVERSITY dan komunitas lainnya.
“Semoga BINUS UNIVERSITY dan komunitasnya bisa menerapkan pemikiran dan metodenya, serta bisa mendapatkan inspirasi dengan kehadirannya,” kata Maria Intan. (YD)
The presence of the father of Mind Mapping, Tony Buzan, at Binus University on Wednesday (21/9) caught the attention of many BINUSIAN. Hundreds of people waited on Admission Lobby of BINUS UNIVERSITY to catch a glimpse of the inventor of Mind Map concept.
Tony Buzan received a warm welcome from the CEO of BINA NUSANTARA Ir. Bernard Gunawan, Rector of BINUS UNIVERSITY Prof. Dr. Ir. Harjanto Prabowo, MM, Strategic Management Director Stephen Wahyudi Santoso, BSE, M.SIST, vice chancellors and officials of BINUS UNIVERSITY.
Before he shared his knowledge regarding the theme Brain vs Technology Entering the Age of Intelligence Successfully, Tony Buzan, CEO of BINUS, Rector of BINUS UNIVERSITY and representatives of lecturers and students planted 10 trees on the yard of BINUS UNIVERSITY.
“It is an honor to have Tony Buzan here and to have him choosing BINUS UNIVERSITY to campaign The Mind Map Tree Planting Project. He came up with the concept of the program, by connecting our way of thinking with nature, and implementing it by showing our concern for the environment,” said Maria Intan Setiadi, Community Development Center Manager of BINUS UNIVERSITY.
Buzan’s visit was a part of the socialization for the Mental Literacy movement, with the main topic of Global Mental Literacy & Making it Work in Indonesia. Meanwhile, the series of events in BINUS UNIVERSITY includes The Mind Map Tree Planting Project and an Evening Talk with the theme of Brain vs Technology Entering the Age of Intelligence Successfully.
In each of his visits, Buzan always organizes a tree-planting movement. He considers tree as a natural object which represents a human mind. Mind Map and tree is almost alike because both have branches and twigs.
Mind Map is also considered to reduce paper usage for working and maximizes one’s mind. Therefore, using the Mind Map method is an effort to preserve the environment, especially trees. By using the method, people are contributing to conservation.
TFI Applies Mind Map
Mind Map is currently encouraged by many, to help people in their learning process. In Mind Map, we are taught of how to make and connect various words and sentences using mapping, which are written in a piece of paper, and to use different colors to differentiate and categorize our mind maps.
In line with the Mind Map program, BINUS Teach For Indonesia (TFI) has been collaborating with BINUS UNIVERSITY Psychology Program to introduce the Mind Map method. They organize free-of-charge programs for 30 Elementary Schools located in vicinity of BINUS UNIVERSITY and other communities.
“Hopefully BINUS UNIVERSITY and its communities can implement his thoughts and methods, and are able to gain inspiration by his presence,” Maria Intan said. (YD)
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