Halo Sobat TFI,

Pada rangkaian acara TFI Festival kali ini, TFI mempersembahkan Talkshow: The Journey of Creativity and Kindness, “Langkah Awal Memulai Bisnis di Usia Muda pada Bidang Industri Kreatif” bersama dengan Metta Ratana, founder dari @mettaminigallery dan MC @yogiepratama

Cocok banget nih untuk kalian yang berniat berbisnis di dunia kreatif, tapi masih bingung cara memulainya!
Yuk jangan sampai ketinggalan, catat tanggal dan waktunya pada,
Hari / Tanggal: Selasa, 12 Mei 2020
Pukul: 16.00 – 17.00 WIB
Online: Via Zoom

Silahkan daftarkan diri kalian di http://bit.ly/TalkshowMM dan nantinya link zoom akan kami email ya..

Sampai ketemu hari Selasa!


Hello TFI Friends,

In this series of TFI Festival events, TFI presents a Talkshow: The Journey of Creativity and Kindness, “The First Step to Start a Business at a Young Age in the Creative Industry Sector” together with Metta Ratana, founder of @mettaminigallery and MC @yogiepratama

This is perfect for those of you who intend to do business in the creative world, but are still confused about how to start!
Come on, don’t miss it, record the date and time on,
Day / Date: Tuesday, 12 May 2020
Time: 16.00 – 17.00 WIB
Online: Via Zoom

Please register yourself at http://bit.ly/TalkshowMM and we will email the zoom link later.

See you on Tuesday!