Pada tanggal 29 Agustus – 3 September 2016, Teach For Indonesia (TFI) mengadakan “Garage Sale” sebagai bentuk kepedulian TFI terhadap karyawan Bina Nusantara University, seperti: petugas kebersihan, satpam, supir, dan lain-lain (di bawah Building Management). Adapun barang yang dijual antara lain:

  1. Alat tulis,
  2. Detergen,
  3. Gula,
  4. Kecap,
  5. Minyak,
  6. Mentega,
  7. Mie instan,
  8. Susu,
  9. Boneka,
  10. Pakaian layak pakai.

Semua barang di atas merupakan donasi yang diberikan oleh mahasiswa/i Bina Nusantara University sebagai bentuk partisipasi mereka dalam community development. Semoga dengan adanya “Garage Sale” ini, karyawan yang membutuhkan dapat terbantu dalam memenuhi kebutuhan sehari-hari mereka.

Salam Komunitas.


Garage Sale on 29 August – 3 September 2016

On August 29 – September 3, 2016, Teach For Indonesia (TFI) held a “Garage Sale” as a form of TFI’s concern for Bina Nusantara University employees, such as janitors, security guards, drivers, and others (under Building Management). The items sold include:

  1. Stationary,
  2. Detergent,
  3. Sugar,
  4. Soy sauce,
  5. Oil,
  6. Butter,
  7. Instant noodles,
  8. Milk,
  9. Doll,
  10. Clothes

All of the above items are donations given by Bina Nusantara University students as a form of their participation in community development. Hopefully with this “Garage Sale”, employees who need it can be helped in meeting their daily needs.


Greetings Community.

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